My application to be UKPP PP

Day 1,935, 05:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

Hi I’m mwcerberus there’s a tl:dr version at the bottom for those in a bit of a time crunch.

Right a bit about me first you may never have heard of me but I’m a very old player in fact I have the most experience points in the whole of the UKPP and am currently ranked 18th in the eUK.

BUT I’m not your typical oldie, this is actually my first time running for a PP position and I wouldn’t consider myself old at all.
I have held a couple of cabinet position in my time (MoRB and MoSS) both very interesting roles and I know I will do a good job of being the PP. I’ve had time to watch other PPs and have learned how to do the role and I will be very effective if you let me have a shot.


In my congress I will let everyone apply to me for a role the older more experienced players will still have to message me giving me reasons why they would be better than younger members no one will get an easy ride into getting 5 gold and a medal. I have been a congressman 3 times myself and each time I have found that some of the other older congressmen were just in it for the gold and didn’t want to do the work associated with it and they didn’t have to as they knew next month they would still get another high ranking. This will not be the case under me.

Smaller parties

Last month a congress seat cost just less than 15.65 votes and TUP and New Era used small parties to gain votes beating us. This month I will work with other parties who can demonstrate they can give us 16 or more votes. Not just to make us look good though they will buy a seat with 16+ votes and each one we sell will cost us 15.65 (based on last month) meaning each one we sell will increase our votes too.

The Party Divide:

In recent months there has been a clear divide in the eUK and this is causing us problems as good ideas on both sides are getting trolled just because the person suggesting it was from the wrong party and this damages the UK and damages player retention when new players are instantly shot down and rage quit. Everyone should respect good ideas where ever they come from.

Cabinet Training:

This month UKPP is under represented in the cabinet this is a problem as none of us are gaining the useful experience needed to create future PMs I will work with anyone who wants to get some of this experience in order to give them a platform for future greatness.


Fun is an interesting concept for me this game is very fun due to the interactions I have with other players and I would like to provide that for other players too. Other candidates may preach competitions and they’re fine but I wouldn’t consider them fun and anything above ‘post a comment for a raffle ticket’ seems to be restricted to those on IRC and that selected group of Oldies who are all friends. So fun for everyone.


-Please vote for me
-Everyone can apply to congress not just Oldies
-Working with small parties to our advantage
- Help unify eUK
-Fun for everyone not just through boring competitions though

Please consider me for your vote on the 15th