My Appeal to the Belgian Citizen

Day 913, 11:41 Published in Belgium Belgium by Thore Thoreson
We are with Europe but not of it. We are linked, not combined. We are interested and associated, not absorbed. And should European statesmen address us in the words that were used of old -- Shall I speak for thee to the King or the Captain of the Host? -- we should reply with the Shunamite woman: "Nay sir, for we dwell among our own people". -- Winston Churchill

I have been a Congress Member of yours for one term now. When I was elected, terms such as "PTOer" and "foreigner" were thrown about like so much chaff. I have worked hard to deny those that said these words a reason to ever say them again. If you elect me to Congress again, I swear that I will work just as hard to make Your voice heard, on the National Stage and, as a Nation, in the International Arena.

In the past month, we, as a Nation, have come together, working for a common good. We have each tried to build a better Belgium, economically, militarily and socially. We have instituted the Immigration Control Commission (the idea I am most proud of this month) as a way to stop the influx of foreign voters. I have also called for a resumption of the BLT (Belgian Limitation Talks) to get rid of the "Tactical Voters" still in our Great Nation. I will continue to work towards the goal of an eBelgium for eBelgians and rid ourselves of the foreign influence that seeks to entangle us in the politics of the PHX/EDEN conflict.

While other members are working toward building a baby boom, and increasing our population base, I believe we should also work towards the infrastructure to support that boom, so that we are not left with a large number of new Citizens with no jobs, no hospitals and no future. I will work during this next month to ensure we have the infrastructure needed to support an influx of new Citizens and increase their chances of finding happiness and contentment in Belgium!

In closing, I ask all Citizens of Belgium to take a look at ALL the candidates presented by ALL Parties. Read what they have to say. Look at their record. Decide for yourself if they are who you want in your Government.

If you decide you like what I stand for and would like me to continue to fight for you, please vote for me, Thore Thoreson, Congress Member for Wallonia.

Thank you for your time and attention,


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