My Apology

Day 504, 05:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Christopher J Adshead
To all members of the LSD and PCP.

I would like to say sorry for my unacceptable actions the PCP wiki page as you know i spammed the wiki page not because i hate the party i really like the PCP and their ideas but because i was stupid enough to think i could get away with it.

My actions were unprovoked,unneeded and unacceptable i have made an apology on the forums. I know they are many of you out there who hate me because of what i did and i promise it will never happen again all i am asking is for you to accept my apology.

I would also like to say sorry to LSD members who are shocked at my actions i hope this will not affect the relationship between the LSD and PCP also i say sorry to the Party Presidents of both parties.

Thank you for reading