My 6th grade letter report(not real)

Day 451, 10:38 Published in USA USA by pudge97

Dear Andrea,
Hi Andrea, I am having a great time in America. My drive from California to Pennsylvania was fun. In the beginning of our trip my father was a little uncomfortable with the highways, but after a while he got used to them. As my dad got more used to driving, my mother got more paranoid. She’d keep saying, “Arthur, you are going 45 mph. We were supposed to look at the scenery.” And my father would say, “If you want to see the scenery, Myrtle, then take your eyes off the speedometer and look out the window.” No matter how fast my father went I still saw all of the scenery America has to offer. I saw cows, flowers, horses, and a lot of other livestock. I also saw beautiful landscapes with flowers and mountain ranges. When we took a shortcut we came across a bridge that said, “Do not cross! Bridge under construction!” My dad got out of the car to look at the bridge. When he came back he said the bridge was safe to cross.
When we arrived at my grandma’s house I hugged her. Then Aunt Margret showed me around the house. She showed me Josh the rooster and told me that he fluffs up his feathers when someone laughs. I did a fake laugh but Aunt Margret told me josh knows a fake laugh from a real laugh. Then, my dad’s relatives came along with some girls who weren’t related. I was introduced to all my relatives. One of my cousins introduced me to the girls. The girls asked silly questions like, “Did you eat bugs in China?” Then they asked if I could say something in Chinese. I told them their mother’s are turtles in Chinese. They laughed so hard that josh came and fluffed up his feathers. After that we ate dinner.
A few days later, Aunt Margret and I went to the local store to buy school supplies. The next day I went to school. I asked the main office where the 6th grade class was. They told me where it was and I went there. In class everyone chose their own seat. Our teacher, Ms. Crofts, wrote her name on the blackboard without saying anything. She took the attendance and when she called my name she told the class I was a new student from China. A boy behind me insulted me in a whisper. I got up and told him he insulted me. Ms. Crofts told me to sit down. I told her what happened but she just said, “Sit down!” I sat down. A boy across the room from me smiled and did thumps up. I smiled back. When Ms. Crofts passed down the textbooks, she called me up to her table. She pulled a chair for me to sit. She carefully ran a finger through her hair. Then, see showed how to draw a circle which was the beginner’s way to start writing cursive.
When school ended the same boy who smiled at me came up to me. His name is Donald Burch. He walked me home. When I came home I found my grandma standing outside waiting for me. I told her who my teacher was. She told me she was Aunt Margret’s teacher also. She mimicked Ms. Crofts running a finger through her hair. We laughed. We laughed at other jokes about Ms. Crofts. Josh came up to us and fluffed his feathers. We went inside and ate dinner. I felt really good that I was finally home with my family. There is no better country than America.
I hope you write back soon. I really miss you.
Your friend,