My 1-Year Birthday: Wade Seagrave's Story

Day 715, 15:17 Published in USA USA by Wade Seagrave

I realized this morning that it was getting near the time for my 1 year birthday, and low and behold (Or whatever that saying is), it is my 1 year birthday today! And I don't even get 5 gold for it! Wtf?

But I figured I would take this time to pass down memories, lessons, and other sentimental crap down to the new people. I guess we'll first start with history.

If you don't want to know my take on the past year, skip down past history to where it says "What I've Learned", but for those who weren't there, you should read some of the early history. It's good to know.


It all started with me playing Nationstates 2 as the nation of Wade's World. (Which I just found out today was deleted!! The whole website! Egad!) and I kept seeing this add with Ahmadinejad and I think George Bush asking me if I could do any better. So I figured, why not?

So I started my account on November 4, 2008 during the Benn Dover administration. Unfortunately, I cannot go back through all of my messages and I did not have a newspaper, so I do not remember much about his administration or what I did. I know this was mainly when I picked up the game.

My first job? Transatmospheric Spaceshuttles, a Q1 Housing company at the time owned by The Ends of Invention, who is one of the people on my front page friendlist. I ended up working here for 5 months straight. A record that I have no proof of, but am very proud of. Getche some of that!

My First Party? eRepublicans for Change Party. Do any of you all even know what that is? Wow. Well, I joined in during Desertfalcon's first or second term, I believe.

My first Government Position?
Wanting more money and to get involved in the government, I decided to join the Army. It wasn't amazing pay (I'm wanting to say it was $15 a week for just signing up and waiting for pmed orders, which came probably twice a month), but it was still pay. Yes, you got paid to be in the military back then. I was put under Banach's platoon, my very first platoon leader. Who became my first friend. Shortly after I joined his platoon, he moved to Canada to where he is to this day. After that, Tsar Vandall became my CO, as they are now called. I would say that he, Tsar Vandall, was also my main mentor into getting into this game. Whenever I had a question about almost anything (And trust me, I did), I asked Tsar.

Whenever I wanted to know about Politics and Government, I asked Desertfalcon, whenever I wanted to know about game mechanics, I asked The Ends of Invention, and whenever I wanted to know about anything else, I went to Tsar Vandall. These guys made me into who I am today.

What do I remember about the Benn Dover Administration?
Well, ,my first distinct memory would be Operation: French Toast. When the US, UK, Canada, Spain, and a few others went to invade France. This was when my military started kicking in, as we were getting weapons every day, all we had to do was fill out a GoogleDocs. I remember we even got some Q2s for a period too. Maybe even a Q3 or so. But we fought, and if I remember correctly, we made it a pretty good distance into France. Just as fast as we went in, we were kicked out.

Morale during this was pretty high. Everyone was glad ATLANTIS was finally going against PEACE, and the fact we were winning was even better. Then about the time we reached our height, everyone did the classic complaining over imperialism, something that would happen in every other war where Americans would take an enemy region.

Looking at my previous articles, apparently it was objectiveless in my opinion. When I ran for Congress, with my first newspaper article, I was for closing the war due to there being no purpose.

Other then that, I don't remember much about his administration. I remember I liked him, and would say he was one of our best Presidents, up until the 1st Scrabman Administration.

Early Months

Tsar Vandall resigned as Army CO, putting me as the Lieutenant of Charlie 1 Company of the Army. Then I started keeping records of the economy. Every day I would record the price of every quality of food, housing, weapons, RMs, gifts, MT Q1s, and the MM exchange rate for America and Mexico (Random country I picked when I started). This got me access in to the Statistical Analysis and Development Department (SADD) created by, then, President Justinious McWalburgson III, which I would say officially kicked off my political career. SADD was when I first started learning about advanced game mechanics and started getting references for my political career.

Then I decided to run for Congress. I lost to incumbent candidate DenversBest, but it was okay, since he was a great guy. He later helped me get ready to become congressman next term.

Then, believe it or not, eRepublik started glitching again. Yes, eRepublik has always been the same, in that respect. But in this glitch, there was actually more gold then there was local currency, and everyone freaked out, people started posting things everywhere on how to make money off the MM, and crazy things like that. I told people to shut up and calm down. 😉

Then I made my first political statement. I some how got access to the top secret military boards, and saw that President Justinious was going to totally redo the whole entire military, and I didn't like it, so I wrote this article, which got some pretty decent popularity. Granted it only got 14 votes (But there were also a whole lot less people back then), but some people were shouting it around, and it got some attention. I was an eTeen there, so I had to rebel against the government. 😉

Then the turn of the year came around. At this, my party, the eRepublicans for Change Party, underwent a whole bunch of changes that Desertfalcon implemented at the beginning of the year. His first change was to turn the eRepublicans for Change Party into the Conservative Party. He then made a CVP Council to rule the CVP in a oligarchical way. I was appointed to the CVP, and did a lot of work in there, but you probably don't care.

When I Figured Everything Out/Operation: Taco Bell
When I finally considered myself knowledgeable in the eWorld and ready to start, I was a member of Congress, SADD, EC, and who knows what else. I was doing good. Getting some government roles and having fun. This was about the time of the Uncle Sam administration. This was the start of Operation: Taco Bell. Our imperialistic strike into Mexico. The amazing thing was, the administration called it imperialistic (And for the lulz, as it was called), and Americans liked it. There were the radicalists that were against it, but everyone was pretty supportive. Then we really started taking over Mexico, and I would say that's what made Uncle Sam the most popular President of V1.

Then, we started loosing. Then the citizens stopped paying attention to the government, and we made one small mistake, and then Portugal took over most of Mexico, and threatened to push into America. Then Uncle Sam became the most hated President of all time. In fact, his impeachment was a very hotly contested battle. VERY. It was close, but he made it without getting impeached, but later resigned due to excessive pressure. I was against his impeachment, since he did what the Americans willed (Invade Mexico) and all of a sudden, its his fault since the Americans can't follow directions.

Here's where it got interesting. I decided that America was getting boring, and my predecesor Congressmen and current Presidential Candidate Josh Frost decided that we would go to Lithuania in the hopes of making a really great small country that would just rock. We were in it for new friends, new opportunities, a little money, (Although Josh was loaded to begin with 😛), and whatever might happen. So we made the move to Lithuania. Here's the newspaper article with everything in it:

When we got there, the Lithuanians thought we were a massive PTO. Long story short, we decided that the party we created would be handed over to a Lithuanian native and Josh and I would only be Congressmen. Then we lost half of our money to the Hungarians from a Hungarian PTO, and then the Lithuanians took a huge assault against all foreigners, and we were shortly kicked out of America.

Scrabman Era
Scrabman. Best President Ever. Period. Maybe I was a CVP Councilman, (And at a time of the mass separation between parties, that meant I was supposed to oppose Scrabman as much as possible, but I loved him). His first month was amazing. He did so much to change the government, make it more efficient, and didn't take crap from anyone. If you screwed up, you were gone. GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER. However, I could tell he had gotten beaten down by the aggresive American populous as the months went by, but he was still a good president by the end.

Here I Am
Then I became Ambassador to Indonesia, then Director of Ambassadorial Affairs, and then I revolutionized the Ambassadorial Office, according to many people, then became Secretary of State under Gaius Julius. About the time I decided to start working in the State Department as a true SoS, I was replaced. (As I was only serving as a temporary anyways), never given a chance to prove myself, so I quit the State Department because no one appreciated my work, and I had a lot going in the real world.

So here I am.

What I've Learned

I've learned a lot of lessons playing eRepublik, actually. When I came in, my political views were the exact same of my parents. Southern, Christian Conservatism. (AKA Redneck) However, when I started playing this game, I realized how there are many ways to solve one problem. I slowly started unbiasedly listening to other people's thoughts and started developing independent thoughts, and became a moderate as opposed to a far-Rightist.

This game has really taught me to look at everyone's opinions before stating your own. Normally, everyone is wrong, and you have to combines everyone's ideas in order to get the correct solution.

I've also made many good friends. Tsar Vandall, Desertfalcon, James Pfieffer, Tiacha, Rhane, and many more.

So yeah. If you read through that, you need to get a life. Just kidding, I hope it was an interesting year in review for you. It's been an amazing year for me.

And just to sum it up, I want to make a list of people who I've loved meeting, and who have been a huge impact on me:

Tsar Vandal (Army CO. Mentor)
The Ends of Invention (Killing Time) (Smart technical guy. Mentor)
Desertfalcon (Friend, Great PP, Mentor... And I still have my spoon collection)
Tiacha (One of the most awesome people ever)
Rhane (Greatest and Hottest Girl I ever met!)
James Pfeiffer (Friend... Why do I hang out with you people?)
Jewitt (Airborne CO, EC Leader, Great guy in general)
Josh Frost (Went to Lithuania with Me)
Denversbest02 (Colorado Congressman Before Me)
Cawx (Lithuanian President. We didn't get a long, but I learned a lot from him)
Huskerguy77 (Led the Ambassadorial Office before me)
Benn Dover (Good memories)
Justinius McWalburgson (Great Podcaster and good President)
Uncle Sam (Great President)
Scrabman (Great President. Great Guy)
ONE EYE (You get bold. You rock that much 😛) (I don't think I've talked to you but once or twice, but you've always been my eIdol. 😛)
Publius (Smart guy)
Jaxon Leith (Friend)
Daphne Lilac (Friend)
Wonder Forward (Indonesian MoFA when I was Ambassador)
Goaly1323 (Deputy Director of Ambassadorial Affairs. The Ambassadorial Office would be nothing without him)
Admins (I wouldn't be posting this here without them. The game may be bugging, but its still fun)

And I think that's about it. I'm sure I missed someone, so don't be upset it you aren't on there.

Thank you all for reading! Happy Birthday to me!