MW3...The death of C.O.D

Day 1,651, 06:51 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato

I was playing some MW3 a few weeks back, there seems to be a lack of decent new games for the X-Box so sadly MW3 it is, and i was astounded at how much the CoD franchise has fallen since the days of Call of Duty 4. Treyarch did a sterling job with Black Ops but after the first major update numerous complaints arose of gun swaying. Oddly Treyarch ignored the complaints and the game became unplayable for many, which was surprising considering Treyarch had a good reputation especially when it comes to fixing glitches with their latest games. So late 2011 Activision released the follow up to the awful MW2. ''We have listened to you'' they cried at a conference...''no more last stand'' was one promise alongside numerous boasts that the game would be balanced and encourage movement. Erm...yeah...

Release date and we find that the game is ridden with people using last stand, no scopers using auto aim and having a clear advantage over other gamers. MW3 will go down as one of the worst CoD games ever released, the maps are littered with high ground for snipers, obstacles for gamers to camp and running classes that allow people to one hit on kill with a small knife while absorbing several bullets at the same time. Spawn killing is rife with certain elements concentrating solely on doing just this during a game.
Now i know the CoD community is one of the worst in gaming land and will ruin most CoD games released but it is about time the developers listened to its market and acted. But How?

The developers have to remove ALL perks that block UAV's. This is the tool of the camper and the camper has one written cower in corners and concentrate on their own Kill/Death ratio despite participating in a team game. An advanced UAV always up and showing the player on the mini-map is the only way that these cowards will find it hard to not move for objectives, and an advanced UAV also shows the direction you are facing so it would be difficult for these ''gamers'' to hide with the saftey nets they have currently.
Quick Scoping has to be stopped. Increase the time it takes to pull up a sniper rifle, increase the kick back from firing the sniper from the hip which will reduce accuracy.
Add an immunity to gamers who have just been killed, if you die you have a 2 second immunity. This will stop spawn killing to a degree and will certainly stop people deliberatly heading to spawn points to pick up cheap kills.
Make on hit one kill stabs a thing of the past, it's really pathetic how you can run at somebody absording close range bullet penetration only to kill your enemy with a small knife in one hit. Make it two hits with a knife to obtain that kill.
Change the prestige mode. Start gamers off on level One with EVERYTHING unlocked, that way the higher your rank the less that is available. It will encourage people to prestige. Also change the rules on Experience points. You automaticly get XP for playing the game, but drop the Kill/Death ratio and only include stats for objectives - Flags/points captured, Bombs defused/Planted etc etc. that way if a camper gets a K/D of 23 kills for 1 death then it doesnt show and they get no bonus XP (unless they completed objectives of course). K/D ratios should only be included in team Deathmatch. Once a camper goes past a certain level and his claymore is locked (opposite to the current system remember) then part of his armour has gone for that prestige.
Include an option to report players for camping or bad sportsmanship. Surely if a player joins Kill Confirmed and his sole objective is not to move and shoot gamers running past then surely that is no worse than boosting in a lobby?
Drop Last stand as you promised!!!
Produce maps that encourage movements and dont rely upon three routes that if you are faced with an opposition team with snipers means that you can't move.

The developers really have to start working for our money. MW3 in itself is a good game, it is just a shame that the community who regularly play CoD ruin it. That being said they could make the CoD series feel fresh and encourage exciting games if they just listened and really did produce a balanced game that encourages people to play for objectives.
The Call of Duty series is slowly dying, and once they finally do stop making them then there will be a huge hole in the gaming market with nothing to fill it, the time has come to finally overhaul the CoD series.