Multies in Poland Revealed

Day 995, 17:22 Published in Serbia Montenegro by Petar23

Hello dear eWorld. Hello humans,bots,multies,robots,computers. Hello Poland!
Recently,I was shocked when the famous Poland wall was revealed and brought to public. This is what inspired me to write this article. This GREAT wall of “humans” or more likely bots.


You all know our guests in this game, OddajcieKrzyzaMjastu robots? Many of them are still not banned. Why? Probably,there are just too many of them.


Few hours ago,I decided to investigate this farmaville habitants so I opened some of theirs profile pages. I saw something strange,they all had same friend,Admin and Organizacja Obrony Krzyza,or as google translate says “The Organization of Cross Defence”.


Surprised,I checked friends of this “holy” organization and I saw Skurch.


Skurch is a citizen with 24511 friends. Wauuu,he is so popular,or not. Then I checked his friends list and I saw that his friends are all same level,5. They don’t have avatars,they don’t work,and they have strange names like “0110000111100” (binary system).



I remembered his names,'couse few minutes ago i opened v2 top fighters,he is the second player in eRepublik with highest total damage! See/url]


So I opened Mr. Skurch’s donation lists and again I was surprised!. I immediately noticed that the citizen Picas donated to him 1000 golds and that Skurch donated to 4chan Phanis organization 1500 golds. So much money…Not only that Skurch is popular,but he is rich too.


I opened Picas profile page,and he has 43129 friends,he is popular too!


Then I traced Skurch’s donations and I saw that he was washing money,financing EDEN players and organizations.


Here you can see that he sent 200 gold to Zdrug Financije,the famous Zdrug military finance organization:


As I opened pages of donation lists,I noticed that Skurch sent 300 golds to Croatian Mo😨


Then I saw that Mr. famous sent 400 gold to Organization “From Poland to Croatia”. This organization helped Croatia to recover. But,this fair organization returned money to it’s owner:


This is the true act of FAIR PLAY. So not everything is so dark,there are good and fair players,but there are the other ones..