mulderpf = congress = limpopo

Day 794, 04:32 Published in South Africa South Africa by mulderpf
I'd like to announce that I will be running for congress under the IA banner in Limpopo this term.

There's quite a bit I'd like to say, so I'm not sure if this article will end being coherent or not, but either way, here goes:

* Firstly, I'm currently the most active person on the forums. I'm not going to always be that active, eventually I'll either got bored or burn out, but for the foreseeable future, I'd like to keep up the activity. Get the most out of me while the going's good!!
* The first time I ran was in the Eastern Cape and I got in because I had a few friends who were kind enough to move for me and I didn't need too many votes to get in
* My second term as congressman I got in because at the last minute I saw a gap in Kwazulu-Natal and I could get in without needing any votes
* This term I've decided to run in Limpopo. This is because I believe this is the most challenging region due to the large number of candidates running. At the end of last term's congressional elections, I decided that I want to take on a more challenging region this term and get in because of votes, not because of luck.

So now onto my policies.

* Firstly, as always, in terms of financial policy, I believe that if you look afte the consumer's interest first, you also look after the business owner. If we consider the consumer first, this will stimulate the economy and business owners will do well. I believe in empowering the consumer!
* As a congressman, I will be able to approve citizenships too. Even though we have a Department of Immigration, I will ensure that I use these approvals effectively and in the best interest of the country.
* I believe that eSouth Africa should have all her regions united under one flag, however, this should not simply be done by any means possible, strategy is an extremely important factor in order to get this done.
* I am a free and independent thinker and will stand by my beliefs until someone can change my mind. I do not simply follow the herd for the sake of it, but I'm also not the constant opposition to everything. If I believe something is good, I will say so; if I believe something is bad, I will say so; if I don't understand something, I will say so.
* I would like to use my influence in congress to create a positive environment for future citizens and congresspeople.

Okay, I'm tired of writing this now and I'm sure you must be bored to death reading this (if you actually read this far, then write in my comments so I know that someone's reading it - and also vote for me while you're at it!!!).

Just to sum up - a lot of people know me. I'm a good guy, I want good things for this country.