Mud slinging and lies

Day 315, 17:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Well I must say that I am very disappointed in certain members of IF who have resorted to personal attacks on my character. These range from Michael Collins article detailing why you should not vote for me to the downright lies of Victor's letter to the eIrish People. [a url=][/a]

Then there are the lies being spread by Quatermass:
"Last political affiliation of Romanians that have decided to stay in Ireland and make Ireland their home respecting Ireland rules has been taken in account only by one party:

Ireland First.

No other party has even tried to have an approach with them... I'm simply continuing the path started by Fionn, that believed that a nation is not made on divisions but on differences.

That's what I mean when I'm talking of integrating ex-Romanian collaborationist of Victor into a nation that has to grow using all the resourses it has.

And they demonstrate us, beyond any discussion, they are motivated and well organized. They don't need to have a VP to follow to have a brain and to know how to use it.

They simple need to have someone giving them the trust,as citizens of our country, they deserve, as anyone other.

@Daxus: regarding the quoted bold text Amroth posted in this article, I underline that those are exacly the words I used. And if you want to know why, I serve to you an example to have you understand my point of view.

As a Party President, Igor has won 3 of 6 regions in last electoral round, and some of the City Councils of the regions controlled by IUP mayor contracted a supply for Wellness program with companies controlled by IUP party members... this made me sound a bell... Did we have seen something similar in August? Let me think a second... YES.

But whent this kind of things were done by Victor was a scandal, if done by IUP it's normal...

Let me say that I have only one system of measures, not two or three, depending on the one that's subject to general ruling.

All IF controlled regions ever conducted open and public requests, buying anyway service and goods from market from ALL companies, not only by their friends.

In my mind this is enough to say that something viscious took residence in the soul of IUP president. On the other side, Patton, being reknown as a shark in Business and politics, never acted this way... this is why I'm not talking about IUP, but only about Igor Thunderbrow. IUP is a great party, but in my humble opinion, ATM has the wrong President.

On the other hand, Igor spared no time to try to vilify my political conduct, that is and was ever transparent and crystal bright.

So, mate, when you try to compare people and party duties, try first to look into your wardrobe, and pay attention to not find some dangling skeletons.

Regarding IF political program, You have only to wait our manifesto, that I'm going to publish right know, as a result of a deep discussion with our party members on our forums.

Al personal opinions expressed in this post are my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect IF position, but as a private citizen, when attacked, I have the right to answer as I feel to defend my public image.

Excuse me for the long post."

I felt that I should post the lot so that I am not accussed of censoring.

His claims that the IUP is operating a gifts scheme cartel is a lie. It was open to everyone and advertised in Inquitus' personal newspaper ( In the end only the combined offer from myself and Andredambeville (who is IR by the way) was posted. Anyone could have asked for the contract and I would have withdrawn. I explained all this in detail to Top Gun.

Now here is a second long comment by Quatermass, which I feel I must adress as it is again filled with lies.

"First of all, thanks MC to have cleared my point with your voice. You can have different opinion regarding the methods, but You know this is a thing someone has to manage.

Secon😛 Amroth is no way superior to any other Irish Citizen, then if Amroth had a bad behavior during the interview, you had the right to kick him.

But if his guilty was only he tried to make some questions, I think there were other methods to have him understand that the event was a closed one, at least for the journalists. I think someone exceeded his duty.

Thir😛 when I'm talkin of an irish citizen I'm talkin also of You, Igor. You too are not superior to everyone.

It seems you feel yourserf infused with a divine right to decide who can talk and who's not permitted to express, being elected to the role of saver of the nation.

Then, I want You to know that THIS IS NOT TRUE. Irish people really don't need someone to think in their place, someone to choose what's good or not.

Citizens of Ireland are free... free to express and free to become a public enemy, as VP done in the past.

Citizens of Ireland has a brain, and don't need your help to understand how to switch it on.

Please, stop to think in their place... maybe You will find your way to happyness."

Points 1 and 2 are obviously fair enough but point 3 is based on lies.

I never decided who was allowed speak. In fact the person who kicked Amroth off the IRC and made the decision not to allow him to speak was Brian Boru, who is in fact a party member of IF.

I repeatedly asked for Quatermass to withdraw this comment as it is based on ,lies but so far he has not.

I planned to sleep 2 hours ago but these personal attacks just kept mounting. I am disgusted at the behaviour of Quatermass in this election. I have always tries to run a fair and clean election. All he has done is lie about me.

Goodnight and make sure to vote tomorrow.