MSL: West Virginia Voting Record

Day 561, 21:16 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Well everyone, I've finally gotten around to posting my voting record. I'm not going to make this article long, because the votes speak for themselves.

UPDATE😨 Day 575

First of all, I'm going to get the LULZ proposals out of the way.

Minimum Wage
Citizen Fee
Tax Change
Print Money
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage
Tax Change

All of these were NO's.

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Now, for all of the CBO Donations:

All of these were YES's because we need money in the CBO in order to keep the Money Market stable as well as fund the government programs and the military.

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We also started donating foreign currencies out of the treasury to the CBO. It is pointless in the treasury, so here they are:


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In the same light, I have the Money Printing proposal:

I voted YES on this because it is needed to regulate the Money Market.

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While we're dealing economics, let's talk about the tax changes:


I voted YES on these. The idea was proposed by One Eye to lower all import tariffs on Raw Materials down to 1%. Not many companies are willing to export to nations with high resources, so it won't cause an influx of competition. Not only that, but if prices do lower, it'll create a lower cost of living for all of you guys because all of the prices will drop. Plus, for a country that complains about a lack of free trade all of the time, we sure don't live up to our own standards.

Moving Tickets

I also voted YES on these. A lower import tax on moving tickets means cheaper tickets for all of you, especially the stress on election days. It was also an attempt to get Free Trade with our allies. Before One Eye could negotiate, however, they decided that they wanted to raise the taxes back up. In order to give One Eye time to negotiate, I voted no on the following one:

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Then there's MPPs:

I voted NO on this one because at the time, I was under the impression that Germany had been PTOed. Not only this, but we can't really be a "neutral" nation when we're allied with one of the nations we're supposedly neutral with.

I voted YES on this one because they wanted in on our wargames and paid both sides (30g for each country, totaling a 60g cost for them). When we don't have to pay, why not? HAHA.

Czech Republic
I voted YES on this one. At first, in the Congressional discussions, I was under the impression that they would be paying for 3/4 of the MPP, which is half of our costs. As it turns out, I misread it (as did a few other Congressmen) and it ended up just being a normal MPP with each country paying 30g.

I voted YES on this one as well because Finland is a close ally of ours who was kind enough to pay both sides of the MPP. You can't lose with this one.

I voted YES on this one because Bosnia volunteered to pay both sides of the MPP in order to get in on our wargames. Why not?

I voted YES because Croatia has been a great ally to us in the past, it was a 30/30 split, and they are under attack by Hungary. If we cancel the MPP, odds are that Hungary will attack them.

I voted YES because Greece may be weak, but it has always been friendly and it has an original High-Iron region.

I voted YES because India has been a good friend in the past and is pretty much controlled by Indonesia.

I voted YES because Israel has been a good ally and paid some of our portion.

I voted YES because the UK have been good allies in the past so why not continue it?

I voted YES because Singapore is run by a former American (John Jay). They are also surrounded by Indonesia, so that would give us another front with them.

I voted YES - same reasons as UK.

North Korea
I voted YES because N Korea wants to remain neutral despite the fact that it is completely surrounded by PEACE nations. They also volunteered to pay part of our costs so they can get in on wargames.

I voted YES for the same reasons as UK and Canada. Not only that, but Spain has a High-Iron region that we absolutely MUST defend at all costs.

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That finally leaves the peace proposals:

I voted YES on this one. While I don't agree with Sweden's or Poland's actions with Germany, it's really hard to be neutral in a war when your technically at war with a country. This was to solidify our position of neutrality.

I voted YES on this one as well. Although Brazil is a PEACE country, the war we have going on with them is pointless. We don't have an open border with them, and even if we did, we couldn't attack. Technically, we were at war because we were allied with Argentina when Brazil invaded way back when. By declaring peace, we were able to open our markets to Brazilian iron which makes iron and weapons a little cheaper here at home.

I voted NO on this because Hungary merely wants to attack Croatia. If we declare peace with them, Croatia will be wide open to attack.

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Well, I believe that's everything.