MSL: USA Merging With Canada?

Day 472, 21:23 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Yes, you read the title right: I am talking about a merger with Canada. Think about it for a second, the endless benefits and few downsides. Our government is so much alike that we even elect our president on the same day! HAHA!

Now seriously, though. Think about the benefits to our country and to Canada if we were to merge:


Canada has a population of around 3,000. With this size added to our own, we would be over twice as large (population-wise) as Indonesia, which is ranked #3 in total population. Power is in numbers, and Canada has a lot of numbers that could prove vital to both of our nations’ strength.

Also, in order to perform this merge, we would have to “invade” Canada, taking their regions and merging them with our own. While this may sound aggressive, it’s the only way that it can be done. Since we would have technically “invaded” and will be “occupying” it, we will be able to hold Resistance Wars in the Canadian territory which will give us more options for war games. If we happen to lose a war game, there won’t be a fuss over it. We just re-invade that region with no resistance, unlike if that were to happen in Mexico with Baja (although there still wouldn’t be much resistance).

Not only this, but there wouldn’t be any conflicts of interest between Canadian foreign relations and American foreign relations. We are both members of ATLANTIS and Canada’s only war is with France, which we currently share.


Canada is also a very wealthy country. Its current treasury (as of Midnight) is around 100 gold and 108,000 CAD, which after translating into gold, is around 3800 gold. This would be a major boost to our economy and give us enough gold to repair the accidental, but collateral, damage caused by the merger.

Canada also has a few High Diamond regions, which is one of the resources that we currently lack. Uncle Sam had mentioned a territory swap with Canada before the Mexican War, but that idea was sidelined due to… the Mexican War. So why swap when we can just merge?

Canada's Benefit

Now, it seems like most of my points have been to show how merging with Canada would benefit us, the United States, but there are many benefits for Canada as well. First of all, who wouldn’t want to merge with the largest country in the eWorld? While that was meant as a joke, it does have a serious base behind it – the eUSA is the largest nation in eRepublik, and merging with the US would give Canada great benefits – a much larger marketplace, a much larger military, and more political power in the world.

Also, due to a lack of major resources and buying power, Canada is a very protectionist country, with import taxes at least 50% on most products. After the merger with the Unites States, Canadian companies would have a larger marketplace, and the protectionist barrier would no longer be needed.

Just one Mountaineer’s point of view