MSL: MoW Update

Day 560, 16:52 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't written much lately. School ending has been driving me crazy and cleaning up the MoW backlog from Memorial weekend has sapped the rest of my time. Anyway, I've decided I'd go ahead and put out an article to keep you guys up to date. In fact, I'll just put here what I presented to Congress:

First of all, I'd like to start you off with the "receipt", if you will. This comes from the Purchase Order that James and I fill out and so far, I have not seen a single penny go missing since I started keeping tabs on all funds we have available.

If you notice there, you will see that MoW has over 100g sitting in its inventory (which is probably why One Eye asked for this). I can honestly explain this as a combination of three different things:

A: The rapid drop in food prices. We were budgeted for $1.18 per piece but as of late, the price has dropped to even $0.70.
B: The end of the baby boom. In the next spreadsheet, I have a complete list of how many people applied every day since the program started.

In case you don't want to run through all of those numbers, here's a chart instea😛

(click for bigger picture)

And the final reason is about a month ago, an Estonian company was sold to MoW by Equality. This company held around 700 food. We drained the company but it never sold. Well, it recently sold on the market for 20g, which explains that much.

I honestly expect this surplus to be a temporary one, considering the fact that baby "droughts" occur just like baby booms do and the fact that food prices are beginning to rise again. Because of this, I had merely been stockpiling the money for a "rainy day", but I honestly don't believe we'll ever need 3 weeks of funding in case of a rainy day. That would require one heck of a baby boom and outrageous food prices. Because of this, I'd be more than glad to donate around 50g back to the CBO to be used with other programs.

Also, on a side note to MoW influence, we just hit the 4000 application mark, and I'd assume that 3500 of those qualified and received aid. James recently ran a quick check for me, and out of those who received aid, there are 7 MoWed Congressmen now. In other words, there are some influential people coming out as a result of this program. I don't have the time nor energy to run regular retention statistics, so I am going to be looking for a statistician to run the numbers on MoW here within the next few days as well.


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