MSL: Imperialism vs. Obstructionism

Day 474, 19:02 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

With the recent continuation of "Operation Taco Bell" into Mexico, the age-old argument of ideas have resume😛 should we expand our power in order to remain a world influence, or should we stay in our own little bubble, developing our companies, and remaining peaceful and "above the fray".

Although, if you read my first article, you know my position on this, I will try to remain as unbiased in explaining these two debates - until my closing statement, that is.

Imperialist Argument

An important side of this debate is the so-called "imperialist" movement. Supporters of this argument see the current turmoil between Romania and Indonesia and realize that by the end of this war, there's going to be a major power vacuum. Due to the recent displays of ATLANTIS' inability to properly unite in a battle, someone is going to have to step up and oppose PEACE once Romania falls. Although we hope it doesn't happen, it's not looking too good for Romania right now.

By expanding into Mexico, we are gaining both Military training and buffer-zones to help fend off a future PEACE invasion. The most important part of the equation is that we build up our military strength, just in case. We may have won our independence from Britain in Real Life with rather untrained citizen-soldiers, but: eRepublik doesn't work the same way, the world hated the British, and the eWorld hates eAmerica.

Obstructionist Argument

The other, and equally important, side of the debate is the so-called "obstructionist" movement. These supporters feel that America's image is the most effective way to negotiate with other countries and feel that near-to-nothing can be accomplished by waving (rather expensive Q1) weapons in other countries' faces. They also feel that the world hates us because of our imperialistic nature in Real Life, and we should try to be less imperialistic in eRep.

eRepublik is a simulation of Real Life; therefore, we should act like we are in Real Life. Wars solve nothing and actually do more harm than good. By staying away from war and not taking sides, we will be able to have a greater influence over other countries than if we were to declare war on them.

My Opinion

While this game is a simulation of Real Life, it acts nothing like Real Life. Like I said in my first article, every facet of this game is built around war and the longer we lie around, arguing over whether war is right or wrong, the less time we have to improve our ability to successfully defend ourselves.

While those of you who view our expansion into Mexico as imperialistic, I can say right now that it is just that. But have you ever heard of the phrase "fight fire with fire"? This is exactly what we're doing. Although I'd rather remain friends with other countries, Indonesia has already shown its intent on conquering the world, and who is going to be there to stop them? Romania? It doesn't look like it.

Regardless of which position you take, our president would fall under the category of "imperialistic" and won with a rather large plurality over any anti-imperialistic candidate. Until there is an anti-imperialistic president, the opponents are merely obstructionists.

With this said, I leave you with a quote by Al Capone. Truer words have never been spoken:

"You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word."
-Al Capone

Just one Mountaineer's point of view,