MSL: Article Writing Competition - Politics

Day 597, 12:25 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

EDIT: Due to the recent threat of a war, I am going to temporarily suspend the cutoff date. This competition will continue until further notice. I'll publish an article once the war has calmed down announcing when the new cutoff date is.

Hello again everyone,

Before I start off this article, if anyone missed the results of either competition so far, here they are:


Now that I've taken care of that, I would like to announce that today is the first day of the Politics competition!

With Politics, this is a tricky subject but probably the most active in the eUS. In this competition, articles can NOT be bashing of a party or ideology. Instead, articles must support a party or ideology. Dismissal of counterarguments are allowed so long as it remains civil and does not turn into a rant. I understand that there is a fine line between dismissing counterarguments and ranting against other ideologies, but I will try my hardest to prevent articles that cross that line from making it to judging.

The judges will be representatives of the Top 7 parties (if their Party Presidents select a representative. If not, I'll find someone in the party to represent them).

If you want to sign up, you must fill out this form:

Because a lot of complaints came because of the short time span the previous contests allowed, I have decided to give 4 days for this competition. This competition will span from now until Day 601, 12:00 Server Time (Monday, July 13, 3:00p EST). Any articles submitted after then will not be counted.

At this time, judging will begin and the winner will be announced shortly after and their 5g will be sent. Also remember, participants must be eUS citizens, no orgs may enter, each person may only submit one article, and the article's author is the only one who may submit the article. Also, if someone wanting to enter does not have a newspaper, post a comment and we'll find someone to run it in their newspaper.

Now get those keyboards going! Stay tuned to find out the winner of this competition and to find out when the next one is.


PS - Since Dania won the military competition and D0minion won the economics, they cannot enter this competition. Sorry 🙁

PS2 - Sorry about the delay between the last competition and this one. I've been on vacation and haven't really had time nor felt like putting this up.