MSL: Article Writing Competition - Military [UPDATED]

Day 575, 12:50 Published in USA USA by SirEkim
[UPDATE]: The competition is now closed and judging has begun. Results will be announced soon.

Hello again everyone,

I am proud to announce that today is the first day of the Article Writing Competition! In honor of our great victory in Central Greece, this first competition will be on the topic of the Military!

You articles can cover any subject of the military, whether it be an individual branch or the military as a whole. Your article can be one that is statistical and calculating or one that is patriotic and inspiring. Whatever you decide to write about, it must be about the eUS military.

The judges will be a panel of representatives of the military branches, one from each branch. In order to keep them from being harassed, I will keep their names secret, for now. You will be judged on a 1-100 scale based upon how articulate, understanding, and overall well-written the article is. Also as a side note, since you're dealing with the military, I'd make the article patriotic, haha.

In order to submit your article, you must fill out this simple form:

This competition will span from now until Day 577, 12:00 Server Time (Friday, June 19, 3:00p EST). Any articles submitted after then will not be counted. At this time, judging will begin and the winner will be announced shortly after and their 5g will be sent. Also remember, participants must be eUS citizens, no orgs may enter, each person may only submit one article, and the article's author is the only one who may submit the article.

Now, get those pens.. er.. keyboards going! Stay tuned (AKA: Subscribe) to find out the winner of this competition and to find out when the next competition starts.


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PS - Since the Congress elections are coming up and I don't want to disrupt this competition with a presentation article, I will simply edit last month's presentation.