MSL: Article Writing Competition - Economics Results

Day 589, 14:19 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Hello again everyone, First of all, I'd like to apologize for taking so long with this competition. After Congressional elections, I started my vacation. Meanwhile, a couple of judges forgot about the competition, so I had to remind them about it, haha. Anyway, I would like to thank the judges (no matter how slow they might've been) for their work:


All of the articles entered were great, except one (*cough* Zoli *cough😉. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work. Now, the winner of the economics competition is...


D0minion with his article "How eAmerica Can Succeed Financially"

Other articles include, in no particular order:

Gaius Julius with the article "A Guide to the eUS Economy: Part 1"
Nick Bezier with the article "The Consumer and Product Surplus Theory: A Free Trade Argument"
Mjdiv with the article "Imagine"
Phyrexia with the article "A World of Bullion Bounty"
One Eye with the article "A Case For Lower Import Taxes"
RexImperator with the article "Free Trade in an Unfair World"

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter this competition. Since I'm still on vacation, this competition will take a bit of a vacation as well. After the July 4 weekend, the Politics competition will begin. Also, due to many people complaining about the time restraints, that competition will continue a bit longer than the last two have.
