MSL: Article Writing Competition

Day 572, 18:52 Published in USA USA by SirEkim

Hello there everyone,

Today, I bring good news! No, it doesn’t have anything to do with MoW, MASH, or any other program that I run. Today, I am proud to announce that I have pushed through Congress an official, government sponsored Article Writing Competition!

Over the next couple of weeks, there will be a total of four competitions on topics ranging from Military to Economics, Politics to Satire. For each competition, there will be a panel of judges representing different entities of each category. Also in each competition, there will be a 5g prize for the 1st Place winner (a total of 20g)!

Of course, to keep this thing organized, we have set out a few rules:

Articles must be positive – no attacking of any people, parties, ideologies, or foreign allies.
Each participant may enter only one (1) article per competition.
Also, if a participant wins a competition, he/she cannot enter another competition.
Participants must be eUS citizens.
And finally, no orgs may enter.

Now, start thinking about what you’re going to write and stay tuned because in a few days, I’ll announce the first competition and how to enter.

MoW Director
MASH Director
Pony Express Postmaster
West Virginia Senator