MS Voting Update (4/9) and the Loss of a Patriot

Day 506, 16:09 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Hey Mississippi. I usually wait longer between my updates, but a lot of stuff has happened since we last spoke. There haven’t been many (serious) votes, so I’ll get those out of the way:

Issue Money (80000USD for 400 Gold): No. I’m for free markets, and this is trying to control the economy.

MPP Polan😛 Yes. I like the eUSA keeping allies.

Donate 68000 to CBO: No. This was vaguely worded and no one was saying what exactly where the money would go and what it would be used for. “Normal operating procedure” is too vague, especially without a detailed budget. I said I wouldn’t hand out blank checks anymore, and I’m not.

Donate 99999 to CBO: No. See the last proposal. These were technically the same because the game won’t let you donate as much as they wanted to.

Buy Q3 DS for Delaware: Yes. I lobbied for its placement in our great state, but it was deemed more prudent to place it in a border state. They’ll learn the error of their ways eventually….

Let’s move on to more interesting issues, shall we?

First and foremost, I’d like to thank President Scrabman for appointing me as the new Secretary of the Department of Education. We don’t always see eye to eye on all issues, but everyone should give Scrabman credit for reaching across party lines. As new Secretary of the DoE I want to thank one of my favorite people, Tiacha, for running it so well for so long. With the infrastructure she has set up within the DoE, I know we can continue to be successful in our endeavors to educate the populace of the eUSA. I’m looking for one or two people who are looking to join the DoE as well, so keep your eye on the DoE board for the application! If you have fresh ideas on how to better educate and reach out to our population, we’d love to have you involved!

Next, it was a sad day yesterday when one of my dear eRep friends, and Congressman from Alaska, ghvandyk, resigned from Congress and left eRepublik. He wrote a scathing article here, and for the most part I agree with what he said. He and I first got acquainted when he contacted me about Congress business, and we realized our views we very much in line. He had a few extreme viewpoints I didn’t exactly agree with, and I had a few cautious, moderate views he didn’t like. Yet he had a straightforward, brutal honesty that I admire. He was unpopular and ostracized by older players for it, which is a god damn shame. While he chose to attack the status quo head on, while I choose to operate inside it, and we became fast friends despite our differences. I’ll miss him, he was a true breath of fresh air, and our discussions always helped me remember what I’m doing, and the people I’m doing it for. I’ll miss him; we need more people like him.

In Federalist Party news, I’m currently accepting applications for potential Congress candidates. Get those in to me ASAP, so we can plan our election strategies. Also, it is nice to see some more Federalist activity from new members. I’d like to give a shout out to fingerguns, as her work with Photoshop is looking fantastic, and will hopefully give the Federalist Party a fresh logo.
Here’s just a sample of her work:

Finally, I urge all Federalists to vote Gaius Julius for re-election as Party President! He almost has us to 100 members; let’s keep up the growth and prosperity under Gaius!

That’s all for now. As always, Mississippians, I urge you to subscribe for no other reason than to see my voting record. Make sure to PM me with any comments, hate mail, concerns, Federalist Party inquiries, opinions, or advice. I’ll get back to you within 24 hours, guaranteed.

Bill Brasky
Congressman Mississippi
Secretary of the Department of Education