Mr. President, The USArmy Stands Ready

Day 747, 00:27 Published in USA USA by bombonato

Dateline: Sunday, December 6, 2009

President Jewitt, Sir,
The USArmy-- Enlisted men and women, Officers and Senior Staff-- stands ready to serve our America and our President.

We stand ready to fight with our EDEN Alliance partners.
We stand ready to fight with our Brolliance friends.
We stand ready to fight the enemies of our allies.
We stand ready to fight the strong who attack the weak.

We stand ready to fight alongside our US Marines.
We stand ready to fight alongside our US Airborne.
We stand ready to fight alongside our Mobile Infantry.
We stand ready to fight independently.

We stand ready to fight the Redcoats.
We stand ready to fight the Indos.
We stand ready to fight the Huns.
We stand ready to fight the Russians.

We stand ready to fight.
We stand ready to train.
We stand ready to hold fire.
We stand ready, Sir.

We stand ready, Sir, because we are not just Soldiers,
we are the USArmy and we were born ready.

USArmy Enlistment Application: Minimum Strength 9 and game rank of Captain
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Lt Col George Armstrong "F'ing" Custer
USArmy Senior Staff Operations Officer
Editor, The Army Times