Mr. Pollo for freedom!

Day 785, 09:20 Published in Czech Republic Venezuela by Svoboda News

Hello dear Czechs, we are living now in difficult period where there is right to speech if you are nationalist or even worse. WE WILL FIGHT AGAINST THIS REPRESSION!

Our candidate for party presidency is Mr.Pollo. Here is his candidature for Party Presidency of Svoboda

"Hello dear colleagues. In this occasion I write to ask for your support to run for president of the best party of eCzech Republic, the Svoboda Party. We're doing things very well because we are taking all of society as an example. This is what we want for our country. I thank all the party members who do not stop working, and all those who want to continue supporting projects that benefit society.
Mainly, I want to continue with the project communes that started our great party leader, Comrade Ru. I think it's a great project and should be done nationally. Another project is the organization making among all party members. As discussed in our forum, there was lack of organization in the congressional elections that took us to NOT accomplish the goal was to achieve the most in the conference. But these are things that eventually it will go better together.
Again I thank all members of the party. Take to communicate to those who want to participate in the commune only please contact us that your help is welcome.
I hope the support of all party members to help you be a good party leader.
Congratulations to Ru for all that has given us! It's a great party leader!
Special thanks to: Ruaidhri Garvey, Sognatore, Simonov, Deniz Khazari, Tinchocrossa, Sandro Wolf, CZ-Zidane, Sosan, Stephen York, John_White, Pboda, Bruno Krisman, Lenin Marx, for his support for some time and others who gave their vote for mine.
Together we can achieve a better eCzech Republic.
We can do it !!
Svoboda will win !!
Support Mr. Pollo !!
Greetings to all !! "