Moving onwards

Day 1,085, 09:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Artela

Well, an interesting few days there… interesting in the “Chinese” sense. For those that have not yet caught up with the news, I am no longer CGS of the eUK Armed Forces. There are enough details in the Forum, so I will not rehash old ground (unless asked in private), apart from to say to all those that have been kind enough to enquire that “Yes, I’m fine; this too shall pass”, and I will move swiftly onwards with just one comic reference…

Anyway, while I was still handing in the keys and transferring the paperwork, offers of other avenues to pursue started to arrive at my now empty desk. Firstly offers to get more involved in politics again with a couple of parties, and then an offer to consider moving to another country… and then finally a request for advice and help from a group of people wishing to set up an independent home defence force (details of that one to be seen at the top of the nearest eNews Stand). Anyway, the upshot is that having been asked very nicely, I have decided to help with this new venture to see if it can be done… after all, someone needs to try and look after home defence while the politicians are trying to sit on the country’s army!

Actually, it’s been quite refreshing over the last 24 hours to actually just have the time to do “other things”, like updating this newspaper (gosh, is it really 3 months since I last did that?!), visiting old haunts in irc for a chat, and even just browsing around many forums that I’ve not had any spare time for over so many weeks. Maybe I’ll borrow from real life and even do the traditional retired-army-leader memoir thing! Who knows? Although, knowing me, I’ll fully throw myself at full whack into whatever happens next *LOL*.