Moving Forward with Tighter Security

Day 727, 07:10 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Dear Readers of The New Society,

Election Victory!
I would like to thank all members of the Imperial Sun Party who supported me in the election by taking the time to vote for me, even though the party president elections this month were rather lackluster and boring. I will do my best to live up to your strong support! I ask that you vote and subscribe to this official newspaper of the Imperial Sun Party, The New Society.

立小便禁止 means "Tachishoben-kinshi" means "no pissing in the street." Public urination became a problem in Kyushu region after AKKU corporation started charging the public for use of the toilets.

Thanks to the team spirit prevalent in the Imperial Sun Party, we could finally afford to upgrade the old ISP campaign van to this nice new one. Thank you to the following ISP members for all the donations to the ISP org:
Kotos, ShadowDLS, Avazel Kalkin, and Metic. A special thank you to Imperial Sun Party member Koppanyi Ferenc for the new campaign van photo.

The Imperial Sun Party is an organization that believes strongly in solid organization and teamwork as a method for building eJapan's strength. In order to achieve personal success as well as contribute to the overall strength of our great nation, the Imperial Sun Party has created government programs that produce low-cost iron and weapons for the military. If you are interested in participating in these programs, please send a private message to the ISP org.

But who is looking at you?

Security Issues

It is important that every eJapanese citizen be aware of which organizations are "official government" orgs and therefore eligble for national treasury donation laws and who has password access to those organizations. It is extremely important that your elected officials be honest about who has access. Typically these organization passwords are handed down from one government administration to the next after an election, but as many of you are aware, former President Oraizan's first term in office ended disastrously with the theft of the entire National Treasury--all gold and JPY located in the National Bank of Japan, Japanese Imperial Army, and Japanese Imperial Navy. Due to the impossibility of simultaneously hacking three passwords, an admission of guilt from one of the conspirators, and a number of other convenient circumstances, there is little doubt that this theft was an inside job by disgruntled former government officials angry that they lost the election, an act that ruined any chance of a positive legacy for former President Oraizan and her administration. It is therefore extremely important that the Imperial Sun Party secure its assets to prevent a similar theft. The only persons with password access to the Imperial Sun Party organization are the Party President and Vice President. Upon election of a new party president or vice president, the password will be given to them with all party assets remaining intact in the organization. Part of good leadership is stewardship of the wealth that helps us function!

A quick update on the missing National Treasury money: 400 gold has been moved out of the thieves' organization accounts. It is not apparent what the gold is being used for, but we can guess...

The conspirators recently spent 400 gold for "Research and Development" on Walorm's latest creation: a monkey... with FIVE asses!

The situation
We are currently the second-largest Japanese political party in Japan with around 130 members. And we are still the largest party in our congress, the Japanese Diet, with 11 representatives in that legislative body. I hope to build on this number in the coming election! If you are a candidate who is not already a member of congress, please contact me before you announce your run for congress on the ISP ticket, so I can help guide you to victory. If you have the time, I ask that you make a presentation that clearly indicates your positions so that voters can make an informed decision.

The Imperial Sun Party has a lot of past achievements to campaign on, but our real strength lies in what we support in the future:
-Appointment of exReality to Commissioner of the Japan Election Commission. Although this organization has been largely defunct since the introduction of the citizenship module, it is the hope of the eJapanese Diet that the new Commissioner will be able to guide the organization again rogue congressional candidates as well as possibly assist our allies abroad in anti-PTO activities. The fledgling organization needs your help, and if you are willing to volunteer your vote, please do so for this noble organization!
-The creation of the Small Independent Unit Organizations--Teishin Shudan and Imperial Japanese Airforce--provides our elite soldiers with flexible access to high quality weapons so they can deploy more quickly to the battlefield.
-Continued support of the "Iron Must Flow" program.
-A strong foreign policy that will ensure the sovereignty of eJapan, even in the event of a general collapse of the existing PEACE-Eden/Brolliance (I hate that word) bipolar power structure. Alliance/MPP costs are going up to 100 gold per month, so we need to be prepared for these costs each month.

If these look like positive achievements and goals to you, then you may wish to consider joining the Imperial Sun Party! We are an authoritarian party, which does not mean that we stifle debate, rather we encourage the generation of ideas. But it does mean that once we decide on a course of action, we move together as a team to get things done. We are also a centrist party, meaning we favor market solutions where possible, and state solutions where it is not. Real life politics do not play a role in eRepublik! Our thinkers look at the game mechanics and do their best to create programs that maximize efficiency and strength. Please be part of a stronger Japan by joining the ISP and supporting our candidates for congress!

And lastly...

New Candidate Spotlight: Peter McGoon

A former citizen of the eUSA, eBorn in Alabama, McGoon-san moved to eJapan three months ago and thankfully did not try to teach English(!). Instead, he worked at various weapons companies before joining the JIA and volunteering his labor at the Nippon Weapons Q5 company. He has made the rank of colonel and hopes to join the Kyushu delegation to congress this month. Please support him with your votes!

Imperial Sun Party President