Moving Forward in the UIP

Day 513, 08:33 Published in USA USA by Ansen

First off, I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone who voted in the Party President elections for the United Independents yesterday. We had the second highest percentage of voter turnout among the top seven parties in the country, and that's something to be proud of. I appreciate those who put their vote behind me as the candidate to lead the party forward, and I will work as hard as I can to meet and hopefully exceed your expectations.

And really, that's all I'd like to say about the election. Let's turn now towards the future of the UIP, and what we can accomplish together over the next month. Following in a UIP tradition revived by former Party President NoneSuch, I am re-instituting the UIP cabinet. Here are the fine UIP members who have committed to helping bring this party to new heights:

VP of Inter-Party Relations: PrincessMedyPi
VP of Administration: Joshua Hoss
Wellness Program Coordinator: John Woodman
Mentor Program Coordinator: NeilP99
Party Activity Coordinator: Spinoza
Recruiting Coordinator: em_knaps
Public Relations Coordinator: Blake Chrysostom
Congressional Campaign Coordinator: Knojerakk

A big part of our goal for this term is to make UIP an incredibly active party. Now, obviously we're going to need your help in making that happen. The best way to get started is by getting active on the UIP FORUMS.

The best part is that the work has already started. NeilP99 has already set up the boards to begin accepting mentors and mentees for our revitalized Mentor Program.

John Woodman has been working hard for several terms now to make our Wellness Program all that it can be. You can sign up to receive "Free Lunch," a moving ticket for getting to Florida or New Jersey for the US War Games, or sign up for the UIP Gift Exchange.

Additionally, Knojerakk has already begun organizing our party for the upcoming Congressional Elections. If you're planning a run under the banner of the UIP, you must absolutely be involved in our party forums. Get started here.

These are just a few examples of what we're working on right now. Other tasks we'll be taking on in the near future include a revamping of the party wiki, an increased use of the UIP Bulletin as a way to reach out to prospective and current UIP members alike and a continued reorganization of our party forums.

Thanks again for choosing me to lead the United Independents Party. Feel free to and PM me or comment here with any comments or questions that you may have. And as soon as you're done with to the forums!!

President, UIP