Move to Karnataka, Get Free Stuff!

Day 861, 16:52 Published in USA USA by USA Department of the Interior

So you may have heard that we have this awesome region called Karnataka.

Karnataka is important because it is the only region in the US’s possession that has high iron resource. High iron means cheaper iron, and cheaper iron means cheaper weapons.

Part of what helps to protect a region is its population. Having a higher population helps us in two ways.
1) It costs more to attack or start a resistance war. Meaning our enemy’s need to spend a large amount of gold to try to take it from us.
2) The higher the population of the region the higher the “wall” and the more damage needed to secure the region from us.

Now, we’ve recently had a good number of articles on moving to Karnataka, and quite a few people have in fact moved. Unfortunately, we still have a ton of players who are either in our other fortress states (Florida, or California), or are in a state without a hospital.

To help get players to move to Karnataka we are giving away a bit of a care package. If you sign up for relocation you will get:

- 1 moving ticket, compliments of the Flying Unicorn Squadron
- 2 gifts, compliments of the Salvation Army (this means you’ll lose no wellness in the move)
- 2 pieces of Q2 food, compliments of the DoI
- 1 Q1 weapon, compliments of Arm America

To sign up for relocation assistance, click Here. Make sure to check the box that says you are part of the relocation program. To sign-up you must be living outside of Karnataka, and be a US resident.

That’s it! Soon you’ll be getting some goodies from these various organizations and will be on your way to sunny Karnataka. Please take minute to shout this out, vote this up, and even write your own article to help get people moved. The more exposure we have, the safer we are.

Maxx Johnson
Secretary of the Interior