Day 1,196, 05:25 Published in Belgium Belgium by mittekemuis


Today we talk about motivation. What are the mechanics that are in place to motivate us in what we do every day.

What is motivation?

Motivation is giving an incentive to achieve something. It gives us the interest in or enthusiasm to make the effort to achieve something.
Motivation increases an individuals energy and activity level. It directs an individual toward particular goals. For example: the medals we get for being a good soldier, worker, member of congress... It promotes initiation of particular activities and persistence in those activities. It affects the learning strategies.

Where does motivation comes from?

Sources of motivation can be either extrinsic or intrinsic.
Extrinsic motivations come from outside of the person and a task to be performed, can be superficially effective, and typically require repetition to be effective. That would explain why there are so many two clicking players about.
Intrinsic motivations come from within an individual and a task to be performed, are apt to result in greater willingness, and tent to have long-lasting effectiveness.These would be the more active players around.

In real life everyone has motivations to attain success and to avoid pain, often via food, exercise, rest, shelter, parental care, sex, and aggression. These are needed behaviours, established either genetically or by training which help to insure our survival. Although the need for money comes as a result of several of these motivations, it can help to satisfy a host of others on many levels. The same can more or less be found in the new world too. Without money we can’t eat which makes us to weak to work and train.

How to motivate others?

Although avoidance of pain is a powerful motivator, it has been shown to produce much less desirable results than the lure of success. The studies most often cited are those by such behavioural psychologists as Ivan Pavlov and B.F.Skinner,who found that rewards (called "positive reinforcements") alter behaviour more quickly and more enduringly than discouragements (called "negative reinforcements").

For those how want some more information about this I give you the following links:

Motivation has a direct link to attitude, to what in psychology is called the affective domain, where we experience feelings, emotions. As vital as motivation is in conditioning one's movement toward success, it is not the only attitude needed in order to achieve. A motivated person can simultaneously doubt that he/she is able to accomplish a task successfully. Whether a person's self-doubt is reasonably founded or not, it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy; anticipation of failure easily breeds failure. When confidence-building is needed, here is how to do it: start with easy tasks, and proceed to gradually more and more challenging ones. Studies have proven that every person can learn at any age, no matter what their experience or lack of experience has been.

Motivation in eRepublik.

There is a difference between what the administrators see as motivational and what the players perceive as motivational. The administrators work mostly with extrinsic motivations like rewards for a tasks well done and punishment for a failed tasks. Both are done with motivational tools that have an extrinsic nature. For example you get a reward from 5 gold when you work 30 days non-stop but if you forget to work once they will set the counter back to zero.
Most players in the new world have an intrinsic motivation to play. Why else would they keep playinging even when the extrinsic motivations are not satisfactory. Well people have a need for social contacts even in the virtual eWorld. Talking and chatting with your fellow citizens can be quite motivating to keep on playing. It triggers an intrinsic motivation. It makes you feel part of the big picture. Being part of that picture can make you do more in game, become an ambassador, join congress, join the government, become president!

I have found that being on IRC kept me going, it also made me restart after a 6 months break. The communication with other people is what keeps me there! ~Pieter