Day 310, 19:27 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez

Once again, hello to all eCanada citizens.

I will be laying down the basics of the mortgage program and how it will work. So anyone interested please send me a PM and we can go from there. Don't forget to read the terms below first.

I would also like to thank jbdivinus and the P.E.I treasury for donating CAD to this great program.


Purpose: First of all, the mortgage program is for citizens looking to buy a house but don't want to save up all the CAD at once to purchase one. So this will allow citizens the option of buying a house and make payments. This will not apply to new citizens just joining because we require you make a down payment first, based of off what quality of house you want. These loans are interest free.

How it works: The Mortgage Program has talked to housing companies in Canada to sell at a lower price.This allows us to provide houses to citizens at affordable prices. We then get requests from citizens wanting to take part in this program and we make sure they can qualify, by making sure they make enough CAD and they have a good work presence etc. Then we will work out a plan on how much they can pay back at a time, and they must make a down payment upfront of at least 25%. Then we send them the loan amount of whatever the house price is. They give us the down payment up front and then the citizens just pay us the weekly payments until the loan is payed off. (Prices listed below.)

Prices: Now I will list prices for homes and each quality.

Q1 Houses:
Average Cost - 104 CAD
Mortgage would be 90%, so you would owe us 93.06 CAD.
25% down payment up front - 23 CAD.
So the mortgage cost would be 70 CAD.

(You would have to earn around 4 - 5 CAD a day. Which would mean it would take 3 - 4 weeks to pay off. You would owe us back 23 CAD per week.)

Q2 Houses:
Average Cost - 165 CAD
25% down payment - 41.5 CAD.
Mortgage would be 124 CAD.

(You would have to earn around 7 CAD a day. You could get this payed off in about 3 weeks. Your payments would be around 41.5 CAD per week. 7 CAD multiplied by 7 days a week equals 49 CAD a week. So you would still have enough CAD to buy food etc.)

Q3 Houses:
Average Cost - 202 CAD
25% down payment - 50 CAD
Mortgage would be 152 CAD.

(You would have to make at least 7 CAD a day. You could get this payed off in about 3 weeks. Your payments would be 50 CAD per week.)

PM the representative of the Mortgage Program - Emilio Sanchez to get approved.


Some citizens make more CAD or less CAD. Each citizen who earns around 3 CAD per day will be considered. Special circumstances may apply to some. But we do require the minimum down payment. to make sure we get some CAD back. The larger down payment you can afford the better your chances and approval is faster.

The above prices are the average cost. But we have deals with certain companies so some prices will be a lot less than above. We will go over prices on an individual bases.

(Note: After 4 - 5 weeks of payments you still do not have your loan payed off. An interest charge may start to apply. So the more you pay back, the better.)


Every citizen who agrees to this program is agreeing to pay back the loans. Any citizens who refuse to pay back any loans will get a PM, and if no reply, that individual will be reported to the Government or Admin. (Unless good reason is given, like your going away or your sick etc. But you should send me a PM to tell me.)

PM the representative of the Mortgage Program - Emilio Sanchez to get approved.

This was written by the mayor of Ottawa, Augustus Baldwin, and the representative of the Mortgage Program, Emilio Sanchez. Any questions just send me a PM.


Mortgage Representative: [a url=]Emilio Sanchez[/a]
Mayor of Ottawa: [a url=]Augustus Baldwin[/a]
Mayor of Charlottetown: [a url=]jbdivinus[/a]
Norsefire Party: [a url=]Norsefire Party[/a]

Don't forget to vote this up so as many citizens as possible can see this.

Thank you for reading and apply for your mortgage today!