Morrigan for Congress!

Day 1,191, 21:38 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

I am running for Congress, for realz.
VOTE for me in Wyoming!

What I promise:

To listen. I am always very accessible and I will respond to your questions promptly.
Honesty: Everyone who knows me knows I have always been pretty damn honest. I will tell you the truth, even if I have to tell you you suck to your face, or that I made a mistake. Trust me, admitting I made a mistake is damn near impossibly hard.
No BS: I can BS like the best of them. I won’t do it to you, unless you want me to, ofc. I aim to please.

My qualifications:

I have been in the eMilitary all my eLife. I am now the General of the Training Corps. But, I want to explore something new. I have barely been involved in the politics arena at all. But, I am willing to learn and try something new.

I was involved in the court system in the last forum, where I ‘won’ a case against the SEC on the behalf of an individual. The Plaintiff's attorney at the time was Harrison Richardson. I think I tired him out and he just dropped the case. 😮 I also defended Claire Littleton once on a baby-mommy case. I cannot talk about the specifics. Attorney/Client confidentiality and all.

Hellz Yeah, i will put that balance securily in, which corner?

What I bring to the table:

RL experience in drafting legal stuff. RL experience and knowledge of politics, which I will try not to apply at all. It is a game!

So, vote for me. Not a blocker this time. I aim to win.

And now, for the gratuitous images of half nekkid men...I am a woman and I want half nekkid men dammit!

He is not half nekkid but, he went to my school in RL! That counts for something right?