Morri4POTUS: Sexyfying the eUS

Day 1,414, 15:02 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

eUSAians. 😉 My dear Americans, tomorrow is the presidential election. I am excited about this election, not just because I am running, well...actually, because I am running. 😉 BUT!, I am also excited because with your vote and support I believe I can bring change to the eUS.

I want to tell you that it is time to put a woman in the White House. We have lived with smelly rooms, fist pumping and e-peen measuring for far too long. Time to clear the smells, think rationally and stop the “mine is bigger than yours” attitude. But, more than that, we need to start anew. We need to start healing old woulds and we need to start communicating again. This is our great weakness right now, our extreme lack of basic respect and communication. I want to help change that.

Let’s talk about the problems we face.

We have a divided nation. Some are trolls (the minority), some are sick of the trolls (the majority). I belong to the latter. That is why I want an administration that squashes elitism, trolling and unfairness and gives the power back to the regular player. I offer to listen to my countrymen and their opinions, instead of assuming I know best.

We have an America in peril. Let’s face is, ONE is coming. Canada is already feeling the brunt of Sweden. Alexander_Auctoritas has done a good job with crippling Spain. I plan to continue that, and take the eUS to the next level, but we cannot accomplish that by alienating our players. We must all come together and get ready to LISTEN. We must listen to each other and we must move past old grudges. We must do this for the eUS. I stand ready to lead those that want to make the eUS strong.

We want a new America. I am the type of player that believes in giving people a chance. That is why I formed my cabinet by partnering new and old players. The old players can bring their experience to the table and coach a new generation of progress. The newer players, or without experience in the executive, can bring in new ideas and a different perspective. I believe this is a great partnering.

Experience + Fresh Perspective = Win

I want to take a moment to provide you with more information about my Cabinet.

First off, the Military Stage:

The Heel Crush of Death

Secretary of Defense

As you all know, I have chosen Oblige as Secretary of Defense. I have seen Oblige work in this office and I have been greatly satisfied. He is a person that communicates well with several groups. He has the patience to work through a problem and the cojones to stick to his guns. I am very happy he has accepted to be a part of my cabinet.

Helping him will be HisAirness. I have known HisAirness for a long time now. He is a player that knows how to plan for the military in the long and short therm. He has many ideas on how to strengthen the eUS as a whole and knows that the key to the eUS lies in keeping our regions, player retention and recruitment. I am very glad I will have his counsel when planning out military goals.

Secretary of Defense - Oblige
Deputy SOD - HIsAirness

National Security Council

When I was pondering who to choose as NSC Chair, one name kept popping up. Bombonato. I knew I needed someone with good communication skills, proven leadership and a sense of fairness. Bombonato is simply one of the best peopleI have met in eRep. He is a dedicated leader, a good friend and a willing participant of all things Rawr!

Bombonato will be aided by Kell Draygo, Kria Erikson and Artela as NSC deputies. All of these individuals have proven leadership qualities and levelheadedness, something we desperately need. I am excited by this future NSC.

NSC Chair - Bombonato
Deputy NSC - Kell Draygo
Deputy NSC - Kria Erikson
Deputy NSC - Artela


Good economics

The Secretary of Treasury will be Kemal Ergenekon. Kemal is simply a skerry economics mastermind.He explained his Free Trade Manifesto (yes, I call it that) in a way that we were able to follow. I am just relieved I will be able to count on Kemal. I have seen him bring up great ideas when I served in Congress and I believe he is the best person for the job.

Stranger Here Myself will be joining Kemal as deputy of the SoT. Stranger is no...well, stranger to economics. He writes an interesting newspaper. These 2 players, along with the rest of the Economic Council, will be great for the eUS and its economy.

Sir Valaro Volcrum is just a great writer. I have always enjoyed his articles and I cannot wait to have him part of the Media team. Joining him as co-Press Secretary is seeninvoices
. seeinvoices is new to the role but is very promising. seeinvoices normally writes for the Marines and I am looking forward to the articles. Bennosuke will be a deputy in the WHPR as well. He has both the experience and the drive.

Secretary of State
Paul Proteus is a former president (eSwitzerland), several times Congressman and Party President and a former eUS Secretary of State. I chose Paul Proteus because he was has a wealth of experience in the world stage that will help this administration build new relationships and strengthen old ones.

Joining Paul will be Rick von Ruger,]Gamr and Kijiman, amongst others. Rick von Ruger is a great and wise player and Kijiman is dah boss. I have worked with Kijiman for a long time as he is an officer in the Training Corps, which I command. I could recommend Kijiman for any job. Thankfully, I am appropriating him and putting him to work for the Secretary of State. Gamr has been recommended by Paul and I am excited to see his work.

I am excited for the future. I believe we can bring great change and progress to America. I want to invite you to ask questions by PM or in my articles. I am also available in #tc and #amp tonight, along with the 34 other rooms I idle in.

Morri, for a more sexy eUS.