Morri4Potus: Cracking The Whip At The Executive Office

Day 1,415, 00:33 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

Dear eUSAians,

The presidential elections are TODAY. I would be honored if you considered me as your future President.

Vote for change

So, make sure you go out and VOTE. Vote early. And VOTE for MORRIGAN.

More Cabinet!

Poet Laureate

Gryphon Skull

on the fifth, vote for
Morrigan Alexandros
you know you want her

Chief of Staff
Written by HephaestusFall

Synesi is Morri’s choice for CoS (which does not mean Cloak of Shadows like some of you WoW rogues might think). He is some kind of leopard, or is it a cheetah? Either way, he has been doing work stuff for TC for a long time, and does it goodly. Sort of like how he makes all of TC run when Morri delegates the work down, so she can focus on the important things, like finding a suitor. While Synesi has been known to woo the ladies, just ask Cstar or HF, Morri only keeps him around as a side project, not her main squeeze. Synesi has 100% of Morrigan’s trust, which doesn’t leave much for the rest of us. He is the right me for the job, just ask any of the people he has serviced!

Introduction by Sharky, or HephaestusFall, depending on who you ask. Hephaestus was once known as SharkJuggler before he decided to quit, but he came back because this game is SO AMAZING! He has been through the eUS TC program three times, and served as an officer twice. After the third time, he decided he was going to see far off lands ... and moved to Canada. He was part of Jsboutin’s cabinet during a PotC (President of the Canada) as well as a QM officer for the CAF. He still lives in eCanada, but is a member of eUS JCS AB. He also happens to be the Deputy CoS under Synesi, which is why he wrote this.


Rod Damon

Chancellor and Lord Supreme of all things RIGHT

😃 Vote for Morrigan!

*Thanks to blondeninja for the sig!