Morri4POTUS: Bringing The Sexy Back

Day 1,413, 16:09 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

My dear eUS citizens, in this article I will explain who I am, what I want to accomplish and then I will reveal part of my Cabinet.

Who is Morrigan?

I was e-born into this realm on November 4, 2009 from the ocean and my body was carried to the beaches of eConnecticut. Yes, FROM the beach. I was born out of the surf and foam near a tropical island. I’m all bronzed and sparkly looking (no, not THAT kind of sparkly). I immediately joined the Training Corps where I went on to become an officer. There I found my love of helping new players start out, as well as my love of the whip. I have done other things in eRep, such as serving in the judicial department and serving a term in Congress. I am currently the Commanding General of the Training Corps, the premier organization for training new players.

Why do I want to run?

I have been involved in the military side of this game at increasing levels of responsibility. Currently, my objective is to continue Alexander_Auctoritas’ plan of wiping Spain and then move on to Sweden. Combating bots everywhere.

Why Sweden?

These girls need to be recruited and join the RIGHT side.

A New Perspective/Building Bridges
I believe we need someone to bring a new perspective to the White House. A new way to communicate and confront the problems and animosity we face in the eUS. I promise to do it with cheerful readiness and smexyness.


Admin has killed our economy over and over again. I am assembling a team of economic minds to try to 1. keep it afloat and 2. make it prosper. Kemal Ergenekon is at the helm of this endeavour.

New Blood/Teamwork

We need more participation. In this cabinet I want to bring in new people and pair them with experienced players. We cannot depend on the same old people to carry on all executive roles in this game. We need new blood and with new blood comes innovation. With innovation comes progress. This is what we need in the eUS.

My Vice President


Gnilraps is a player that needs little introduction. He has held many positions in Congress and in the Executive. Most recently, he has served as the White House Press Secretary. He is a hard working eUS citizen that is willing to offer new and different ideas.

He has proven himself a capable leader, manager and visionary through his work as Federalist Party President, where under his direction and leadership he rejuvenated the party’s growth and expanded membership. I look forward to working with him during this upcoming term.

My Cabinet Part 1

Press Secretaries: Sir Valaro Volcrum and seeinvoices
Secretary of Education: Blank Keating
Secretary of Defense: Oblige
NSC Chair: Bombonato
Secretary of State: Paul Proteus
Chief of Staff: Synesi
Secretary of Treasury: Kemal Ergenekon
Secretary of Interior: Cromstar
IRC Go😛 Neo Iasov
Big Bad Bodyguar😛 Technician

Stay tuned for my next article. 😃

P.S. Pizza The Hut II has been appointed as Official Target for the newbies target practice.