More Updates

Day 1,063, 18:45 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael your bored President here with more updates.

First the forums. Currently we have 44 Members 405 Total Posts and 98 Topics. I believe this is a great success due to the huge wave of opposition the forums faced and the very short time they have been around. More and more KMs have begun to sign up which is a great sign for increasing activity and cooperation with the Knesset. I would like to encourage more people to sign up and get active here:

Yesterday I finished creating the new eIDF rosters. Me and Pantherthug have begun much work on organizing units and discharging inactives and getting a proper leadership in place. The New Roster wont mean much for soldiers in the eIDF but your superiors will find it a pleasant change as it is simpler streamlined and more effective for the new simpler war system.

All the people who signed up at the new sign up forms here:

You will now begin to receive messages about your unit placement. We apologize for the wait.

We have released a simple straightforward Code of Conduct here:

"1- Be signed onto the national forums
2- Answer Roll Calls
3- Respect fellow eIDF members
4- Follow orders and deployments
5- Conduct themselves in a professional manner"

We plan to start a massive recruitment campaign after we clear the inactive out of the ranks of the eIDF. Due to the small size and nature of the eIDF all members of my government will be required to be a member of the eIDF and we should considering setting up an official Knesset Rule that all KMs be part of the eIDF. Stationary Forces of course. These efforts will help increase the size and activity of the eIDF and connect it with the rest of the government.

The basic premise of this new reorganization is to make the eIDF have a more versatile leadership. Meaning not one leader the whole system is based on. We need to divide powers a little but not too much to the point of making things overly complicated. I like how Phillip streamlined the eIDF to make it more efficient and during his command the eIDF was at its height. For those reasons the reform wont be too major and most of what your about to read was already the base of his system im just reiterating it.

Past eIDFs where plagued that they where lead by one person which lead to constant collapses. This has been a constant problem in eIsrael and I hope with the new reforms this will prevent History from repeating itself.

The eIDF will be lead by the ''Rav Aluf" (רב-אלוף ) or Commander of the Army. He answers only to the Minister of Defense or The president. He might also be the MoD himself if he was appointed as such.

Under him/or will be 2 "Alufs" (אלוף) or Branch Commanders. One will preside over the "Stationary Forces" and the other will preside over the "Mobile Forces"

The Stationary Forces are non dployable and will remain in eIsrael. This branch will allow its personnel to engage in political commitments (Such as Being a Knesset member) You could say this branch operates as our defensive arm.

The Mobile Forces are the deployable branch that will be all over the world engage in combat fighting for our allies and our interests. because of this they will require moving tickets and more weapons. Members of the mobile forces are not allowed to have political commitments due to their deployments. You could say this branch operates as our offensive arm and could be considered more elite as it is more combat intensive.

Each branch will be subdivided into different Squads. The units will be made up of soldiers who were placed in such units based on their Stregnth,Activity time, Experience, and Language preferences. Mobile Forces Squads will be small and more close knit while stationary force squads a bit larger but never exceeding 10 per squad. We want to ensure the squads are close in strength range and speak the same language for communication purposes. Activity time/times there on eRepublik is also important information that will be considered.

Most of these units already exist and will simply transfer over and see few changes apart from aesthetically and maybe a few transfers.

Each Squad Will be headed by a 'Seren" (סרן) or Squad Commander. He will be responsible for looking after and leading his men. he must make sure they are active, Training regularly and keeping their health up. They will distribute orders to their soldiers and fight alongside them.

All Commanding officers (Rav Aluf,Aluf,Seren) reserve the right to discharge any soldier for either being inactive, not following orders, or being disrespectful. They may also carry out Honorable discharges if the soldier requests it. They also reserve the power to transfer soldiers from one unit to another wether it be because he wants to change Branches (Mobile/Stationary) or the until was getting to big.

If any commanding officer requests a Leave of Absence he or she must choose a subordinate to act in there place. For A Rav Aluf it would have to be one of the branch Alufs. For an Aluf it would have to be one of the squad Serens. For a Squad Seren it would have to be one of heir trusted soldiers or "Turia" (טוראי) - Private. Note that "Turias" or privates can only belong to one squad not multiple squads.

Members of Squads are encourage to talk regularly through messenger or in game PMs. While The Rav Aluf his Alufs and the rest of the senior command must be in regular contact with one another.

Again most of this is just making official or announcing what was already in practice under Phillip. We are keeping everything simple but organized.

Am Yisrael Chai