More To Do

Day 731, 21:59 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello America and eIowans,

Today begins a very long but hopefully successful journey. As I prepare to run for public office once again, I am reminded, especially with Erepublik’s 2nd birthday, of what it was like just about a year ago when I first joined this game and knew nobody. The outlook for me in this game was bad in those days: I could hardly get anything done; I had poor jobs (still do), I didn’t know anybody and it seemed like I was always being ignored, nothing I said was taken seriously since I was a noob. I’d even try to become active, running for congress (which was a disaster) and posting on the forums, none of which seemed to propel me into the game at all. In fact I was quite isolated. Slowly things got better. I did get lucky and happened to run against a great guy and now a good friend of mine, Aren Perry. But it wasn’t until I came up with a unique idea that I was really recognized and pulled into the game. Ironically enough that idea is the reason I am writing all of you now XD As the primaries and the congressional elections are right around the corner, let me tell you my platform not only of policies and ideas, but most importantly values.

Domestic Value

Those of you who don’t already know, I place the central focus of all my campaigns on the value of others. And I hate to sound like a broken record, but I think it is necessary to treat others the way you’d want to be treated. Now I know it’s just a game, but we’ve all heard the stories. People’s feelings are still affected so we need to take all necessary care to make sure this game remains fun and not someone’s daily worry. It’s a real shame that so many people that aimed at making this game fun and often did so, left. The entire focus of my campaigns is going to be bringing fun back to this game. I felt that Emerick was a prime example of the kind of eUS President that could do this well, and that is why to this day he is my favorite 😉 Remember it is the person behind the keyboard who counts most. With this goal in mind, and the necessary values behind me to accomplish it, I believe it is possible to make eUS players just a little bit happier and the more fun. FUNGASM!!!!!

Helping Younger Citizens

It’s more than just giving them a bunch of aid programs that only work for a short time (although I do have the utmost respect for the mentor program and believe it should continue.) We need to reach out to younger players and help the personally. As congressman of Iowa, I would strive to remind congress and experienced eUS citizens to reach out to their younger peers. Newer players need not come to us but vice versa. It doesn’t take a program to help a new citizen, it doesn’t take a veteran to help a new citizen; it takes a nation. If elected to office, I will make this known to all citizens by doing whatever it takes, but in the end it’s obvious more needs to be done for our younger citizens as they continue to struggle.


Now as I see it, yes we do have a higher demand for money as mpp costs have gone up, but nonetheless, I believe our citizens and their businesses deserve a break, one that has been a long time coming. There definitely needs to be a cut on the income taxes, but most importantly a cut on VAT taxes (We were without them at one time, we can afford to lower them at least a little) in return we should begin to raise the import taxes. Don’t fret, I didn’t say a lot, and if anything the entirety of these adjustments would be minor, but they would definitely be of some relief to businesses and eAmericans at large. It is coming to the point where it is necessary. Unless you are a successful business tycoon or an award gold saver, you won’t have any money. There definitely needs to be a change here. I realize a lot of this is bad effects from the previous war, but focusing on recovery requires our ability to help ourselves a little 😉 If elected to congress I would be in full support of any small drop in taxes, and you can bet I’ll be pushing for it.


Foreign Relations

This is where I believe we can accomplish things just a little more. I realize that the current administration is acting on some of the open opportunities quite relentlessly, but I believe that more needs to be done to get former PEACE nations on our allies' side and make some serious moves against Indonesia while we have the chance. Now I realize that we cannot do this in all out haste and we definitely need to get everyone on our side first, but certainly we are getting there. As before, I still believe we need to unite deeper with our allies but go ahead now and start making new ones. My belief in a “work abroad” plan still stands. It is a program that would seek (Through donations) to aid “bridge builders” to move to other countries to work with the foreign countries and their new citizens so that they too could have the same advantages we do, hopefully building strong relationships in the process. I feel that we could now do this with a much greater selection now that PEACE is falling. I believe that if given the chance I can help unite allies and build bridges between our current allies and new potential ones. We have a great opportunity to help our fellow nations without a leash tied to our necks now, let’s not let the chance slip away. I believe that if given the chance I can help unite allies and build bridges between our current allies and new potential ones.


Obviously continuing to build it up while keeping the citizens informed is a necessity for our country, but again more should still be done to keep the military active and up to date. It is quite necessary for the admins to add new aspects to the war module, which seems to be the plan. The next question is whether we’ll be ready for it. Getting our military trained in more than in-game mechanics is a definite must. The new war modules will definitely be more interactive than the previous so anticipating changes would definitely be to our advantage. Political parties have already begun RISK matches, why doesn’t the military endorse the same idea. If elected I will make sure our military begins getting involved in mandatory logical and strategic training of some kind or another (even if it is through games that stimulate the mind.) Staying one-step ahead of our enemies and convincing our allies to follow in our footsteps could be pivotal to our success militarily and globally.


To all Iowans: I tried to keep the above platform statements as un-office-specific XD as possible since I plan on bringing many of these goals and values into congress with me, but it was clear that many times I was referring to a much more grand scale than just Iowa (because I am also running for POTUS). I definitely hope that you come to re-elect me once more: As far as I could remember I was one of the most active congressmen from that state, which is not saying much since I wasn’t as active as I could have been, but in comparison, only me and one other congressman, that I can think of, actually joined the forum where congress presides. I promise you that I will not be inactive as a congressman. All I ask is for an opportunity to bring some maturity back to congress again: It just seems that too often, people new to congress are being knocked for not “knowing it all.” That kind of behavior needs to stop, and I hope that with your help we can do it together 😉 Vote Mattoze5 for Iowa!!!

President of the eUnited States

Many of you already know, but for those of you who don’t, I am indeed running for President of the eUnited States once more. This time I feel that I will be much more prepared than I was before. The CvP needs this great opportunity to finally take the stand and I hope that many will come to agree. I appeal as that second option once more. Don’t get me wrong, I have no quarrel with President Josh Frost whatsoever, and I think he’s doing a great job, but as I said previously in this article, I think we can do more. Aren Perry will once again be my partner in this campaign. We will officially be announcing our intentions after the congressional elections, but until then we are still gearing up for the race. If you are in any way interested in our campaign, please check out our campaign site (it is still under construction, but it will be fully up and running by the 26th of November.) I am hopeful we can win. Please give us the chance to make this game fun again 😃 Vote Mattoze5/Aren Perry December 2009, we won’t let you down 😉

There is a new CvP Podcast released. Check it out at
Also don’t forget to vote and subscribe too! I am low on readers XD

Thank you,
God Bless America,