More Rambling and a Picture Explanation of Current Wars

Day 699, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
#3 19-10-09
For the sake of this article pretend that all country names have "e" before them.

Improvements To Article Writing
There are two things that stick out as issues since starting this newspaper. The first I've already spoken about in issue #2. Why is there no preview button...Secondly, you can't see how many subscribers there are for your paper. You can see how many there are in any other paper, just next to the "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe" button, but you can't with your own paper. The only way to find out is to go on newspaper rankings or ask someone. To find it on rankings you have to go through tons of zero subscribed newspapers to find yours. It's too time consuming. So you ask someone, but that requires finding someone. The quickest way to do this is usually to go on IRC. Then you have to find someone willing who won't give a stupid answer, which usually happens:
[20:02] how do you make a tinypic?
[20:02] with a tiny pencil
That all requires effort. So those are the two key improvements I think should be made.

EDEN Versus PEACE In a Cartoon

Whilst Hungary fights EDEN in North America, Sweden tries to attack Hungary from Europe. Doing this would split the Hungarian attack, and they'd probably lose land. By giving up Midtjylland to Denmark, Sweden would have to declare war on Denmark to invade Midtjylland and therefore get a border with Hungary so that they could attack them. However, this would cost a lot of money. Together the UK and Denmark (whether they like it or not) are stopping the Swedes from attacking Hungary on another front. (Bigger picture)

This is at least how I understand it.