More of congress, region renting, and the man I pick

Day 952, 16:14 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder

Well today I have a lot of stuff to write about, thank you to everyone who voted my article yesterday, if I offended anyone I am sorry, but I am not sorry that I wrote that article, it really needed to be said.

Since the record has already been made public:
AR1ARX(CPF; Still in office)
Muglack(CPF; No longer in office)
ljsilver(DAL; Still in office)
Citizen B(DAL; Still in office)
Xzar(CPF; No longer in office)
Trenton Rendell(CPF; No longer in office)
Ralph Kline(CPP; No longer in office)
nucksalltheway(DAL; No longer in office)
panda_drew(EPIC; No longer in office)
WolfGang III(DAL; No longer in office)
RaynerCorp(CPF; No longer in office)
Samuel de Champlain(UN;Still in office)
kikero378(UN; No longer in office)
Dr.Pain(DAL; Still in office)
Takashi_kun(EPIC;Still in office)
frankypicoto(DAL;No longer in office)

Quick Facts
-11 of the 16 are no longer in office(68.75😵
-8 are/were of "Left wing" parties, 7 are/were of "Right wing" parties, and 1 is/was of a "Center" party
-Of the 5 still in office 3 DAL, 1 EPIC, and 1 CPF (3 left, 2 right)

So the votes were pretty even, for some reason I was expecting their to be a more "left" vote, but erepublik doesn't really have a "true" left or right.

The debate goes on

-The MoI report was published yesterday for congress, just to let the public know, everything is checking out great. Prime Minister Dade Pendwyn says "CitB is 100% trustworthy, and any trouble congress has getting detailed financial reports from him has nothing to do with him having something to hide.."
If you would like to read the thread, here it is:

The debate on if we should have rented out a region, is still going on. Basically company owners, citizens worried about countries overstay or not being able to pay, citizens worried about the goverment becoming corrupt, and people attached to online regions v.s people who like gold, want more gold for eCanada, and people who do not care about online regions. Pick a side eCanada!

With the Prime Minister elections coming up, canidates are getting their names out their, campaigning, and trying to get parties to support them. Current Prime Minister Dade Pendwyn looks like he is going to run for re-election. 3 time congressman and CEP member Rolo Tahmasee has announced that he is in fact, running for Prime Minister. Other canidates such as Duke Leto, Jefflav, and Neo look to gain support from the smaller parties. I mean no offense when I say this, but it looks like the main race is going to be the DAL backed Dade Pendwyn v.s CEP backed Rolo Tahmasee.

So today I choose who I am endorsing, and I choose

Rolo Tahmasee

Reason: I feel that Dade is a little too distracted on 1ronman, and I think even 1ronman knows it. I respect Dade and felt that he has done a good job in office espically compared to the past couple of Prime Ministers. I picked Rolo not because he is CEP, but because he has a strong work ethic, he knows how to pick a strong cabinet for office, and I feel that he will have the right mind set and be able to concentrate for V2 instead of worrying about 1ronman.

Also, comment below on why you think we should/not rent out regions for gold 😃