More About My First Deer

Day 1,714, 11:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Hunter4Life123

My previous article, "My First Deer", is a poem written by my uncle about my first deer. And in my family, there is a tradition to write a poem about your first deer. My dad did it for my mom, and I think that JHUNTER wrote one for his first deer, too. My mom's was First Blood, the next would be First Blood 2, so mine is First Blood 3.

I changed my name to Hunter4Life123 instead of my real name. Also, it says "A MAN IS BORN"...I am a girl. But in my family, once you kill a deer, you are a "man". xD

Inspired by others, this a poem written by me about my first deer.



Hunter4Life123’s First Deer

Born April 22nd, 2000; Became a MAN October 22nd, 2010

It was a chilly, October day
The second day of a four day season- taking our sweet time
7:53am, THE DEER emerge from the thick woods
Some west, by the rising sun; some north
Does and fawns only, but I don’t care
Patience, patience
Coming closer, I hope
They come together, in a herd,
About 11 deer total
What now?

Patience, patience

A fawn, in the front of the herd, makes a fool of itself
Running off ahead was its game, and coming closer to me
I thanked it for luring in its mother to me;
The biggest doe in the bunch
The others do the same
Staying close together
Approximately 130 yards off to the north-west
I take off my glove,
Raise my gun,
And steady the crosshairs on its front shoulder,
With nerves of steel
It won’t stay still,
And keeps angling in odd directions
Patience, patience

As I flick off the safety,
And see it angle broadside,
My dad tells me to shoot now
With freezing fingers,
I pull the trigger!

“I missed it!” I sadly exclaim to the sight of deer running away
My father takes my gun, reloads it, and hands it back to me
By now the other deer are all the way across the field, still running, and he expects me to shoot one of them? Is he crazy?!?!
But then he points to a deer lying down, dying!

A MAN WAS BORN ,8:15 am!

Shot in the lungs and heart, perfect spot
The blast immediately gave way to the inner ecstasy achievable only through conquering your first deer;
Hunter4Life123 had drawn….. first blood!