Montana: The Great American Escape (v2.1)

Day 506, 10:12 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
~Congressional Letter to the People of Montana~

What's Inside:

1. Introduction (Best if Everyone in the eUS reads this.)
2. Voting Record
3. Congressional Happenings
4. The Military Scandal
5. What I've Been Up To
6. Conclusion


~ Hello, my fair people of Montana! This letter is a little late this week, but that is due to all of the recent happenings in Congress and in the White House. The title of this letter isn't an ad for coming to Montana, instead it is a plea for you to not leave Montana... or theeUS for that matter! By the word "Escape" I mean what has been happening all around the eUS as of late: People are escaping! There has been a large exodus of people moving out of the country over the past few days... why? My guess is the Navy II scandal and the election of USWP's Scrabman. The question is: Why?

As most of you know, I wasn't a very large advocate of Scrabman. Also, as many of you know, I am currently in his administration now as the first Press Secretary. Truth is, I was very ill informed of Scrabman and has some rather bad outside influences pushing in the direction of opposing him. I criticized his lack of communication to the public and Congress and honestly that was my only real problem I had with him. Since his election, President Scrabman has changed his policy about the IRC chat and has made it a point to be on at least 3 times a week for at least a half hour. This is mandatory. He has actually surpassed his own goals and has been on several times a day since his election. I commend him for that. Also, he introduced the position of Press Secretary to help further along communication to the people and was so determined to continue his "Open Door" policy that he asked me, a definite non-supporter, to help him do this as White House Press Secretary. I couldn't pass up the offer as I feel communication is our countries biggest problem at the moment and if I can help fix that, I will take the necessary steps to do so.

Back on topic: Moving out of the eUS. If you want to leave because of Scrabman's election win, I can't stop you, but I can urge you to stay. I promise he has good plans for our nation and will help make it stronger. The cabinet he has selected is not all USWP and it is very experienced and well balanced.

Another good reason to not move is our economy. It is finally starting to stabilize and gold value is currently at .021 value and that isn't bad! Our wood and oil are some of the cheapest in the world and that also fares very well for our country. Lastly, Congress has been weeding out the inactive voters and that will actually benefit our government because it leaves the most informed and active Senators in office to do what is best for this country.

I urge you to not move and I urge you to do what you do everyday; that is run your companies, work, vote, train, eat, gift and read the press! Our country is getting on the right track again and I want you to be here when it happens!

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~Not many serious votes have happened in the past week, but I will run through them:

A) DONATE $99,999 to CBO. I voted yes because it is necessary to restock our weapons after the Navy II Scandal.
😎 MPP w/ Finland. I voted yes because Finland needs our help in defending themselves from a Hungarian Political Takeover.
C) DS in Delaware. I voted yes because Delaware is a soft spot on our East Coast. One of the few, so this will strengthen it.

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~ Like I mentioned above, many Congressmen have been leaving office. This isn't always a bad thing. Here is a list of who left and why:

A) Richard Brophy He left due to personal issues. I can't go any further into it than that. He served Alabama.
😎 Rhane He left for reasons unknown at the moment. This is recent. He served Kentucky.
C) Basaar He left for reasons unknown as well. It was heard he left due to outside issues. He served South Carolina.
D) Illig. Inc He left due to breaking multiple contracts and was caught. He was a 5 term Congressman. He served Nebraska.
E) Ghvandyk He left due to criticism from Congress and others for being inactive. He served Alaska.
F) Navy II He left due to his recent scandal of stealing from the eUS. He served Virginia.

~Richard Brophy and Illig Inc. will be missed. They were very active and very good Congressmen. Despite Illig Inc.'s legal mishaps, he was active and knew what he was doing. I don't condone his actions, but he will be missed. Rhane was promising and it is a shame he chose to leave Congress. I am personally very happy that Ghvandyk is gone. He did nothing in Congress except complain and make unnecessary comments. I actually pushed for him to leave and I am glad he did. This leaves several strong Congress(wo)men and a smaller government which will allow us to get more done for you, the people.

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~As you all know by now, Navy II stole weapons, gold, money and the trust of Congress two days ago then moved to Singapore with all of it. He tried to then sell off Government owned companies, but was stopped by various governmental officials.

I don't condone his actions, and to be quite honest, I was a bit saddened by this. I really like Navy as a person and a Congressman. The investigation is underway as to why he would go rogue and do this. It was a major shock to the nation as he was a QMG for the Army and a very respected person.

The government is taking action to both ensure this doesn't happen again and we are rebuilding our weapon supply. There is no need to worry about funding or our military. It is all under control. That is all I wish to say about this scandal at the moment.

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~ First, a lot has been happening in regards to my activity in the government. First off, I was upgraded from "Deputy to the Speaker of the House" to simply "Deputy Speaker of the House." In the event of the SoH's death, I would become the temporary SoH until a new one is elected.

~ Next, the NBC (Northern Border Coalition) that I started and that I Chair, has been growing. We got a few more states on board and things look to be moving forward. We came very close to getting a DS (Defense System) for Michigan, a fellow NBC, however last minute it was proposed for Delaware. This was a small loss, but not a defeat. Truth is, Delaware needs it more at the moment for National Security.

~ Lastly, I was named White House Press Secretary by President Scrabman. I stated my reasons why I accepted above. This position will in no way effect my Freedom of Speech in "A Little Claire-ification." I ensure you that my articles will be just as honest as they have been. My paper is very important to me and I will not let an Executive Branch position skew my views and my opinion. The link to the Official White House Press is here: The Briefing Room Please subscribe to keep up to date with pressing Official White House news! Remember, when I write for "The Briefing Room" I represent the White House. Not everything stated there is my personal opinion!!!

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~ I don't want you to think I am overloading myself with duties in government and that I will forget about you, Montana. You are and always will be my first priority. You elected me for a full term and I will serve you to my fullest capability for this term and, hopefully, many more to come!

Finally, I just want to say thank you for your letters and input. I am glad at the turnout since my previous letter. I also want to thank you for being patient with me and reading my articles. I am here to serve you FIRST. Remember that. With that said, I will end this letter and hope to hear from more of you soon. Thank you for reading!

~Claire Littleton

-Congresswoman, Montana (UIP)-
-White House Press Secretary-
-Deputy Speaker of the House-
-Chairwoman of the NBC-