Monsieur Vice President (August 2012)

Day 1,721, 10:33 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

First off, I would like to congratulate Gucio16 on winning the presidential race! I was right there with him throughout his campaigning, and I am really proud to have been offered the prestigious position of Vice President. My most important task as Vice President will be to assassinate Gucio16 so that I can become President support Gucio16 in every way possible, lifting him up whenever he might have a difficult obstruction in his way to accomplish great things.

So now that ONE has been disbanded, it will be important for me to ensure that CoT is able to use this to our advantage and absorb isolated ONE nations. Seeing as Switzerland has a strong position in the alliance, it will be of utmost importance to maintain our representation in CoT, but also invite other nations to ensure success for our alliance as a whole.

Anyways, I'll basically just be here to constantly check up on Gucio16 and make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid... though I don't think he will, but you never know. I'm looking forward to a great month!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Vice President of Switzerland