
Day 803, 07:23 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Mickale

As part of my glorious introduction, I must ask you a question, most esteemed reader, and that question is this: Have you ever played monopoly? I ask this because if you haven't, then you may aswell skip a few paragraphs since I will be constructing a little analogy here for those who have.

In monopoly, don't you hate how if you land on those cheap properties, you have to fish around for 1's because the rent is like 4, 6, 14, or 16 monopoly money? Personally, I just say "Keep the change" when I run out of 1's because its far too time-consuming to get out a new batch of 1's after cashing in a 5 at the bank. You could go as far to say the real standard money in monopoly is the 20, and veerythibng below a 20 is change. Well, in the eWorld, some country's administrations are doing a wonderful job in converting their currencies into this "petty change" of monopoly.

For example, we may look to small countries, such as ePeru, in which the native population is so small, the foreign relations are so bad, and the country is just in so many shambles, that if we were to bring a monopoly set over there, the values on the monopoly money would be realistic, and we would be rich people.

Now, it's not entirely their fault. After all, Peru, in the real world, is rather poor, by comparison to more devoluped countries. On top of their natural poorness, brought on by a lack of people who have enough money for a computer (let alone internet connection) their eForeign relations have been strained by Brazillian Conquest. (By the way, the cheapest q1 food = the same amount as the minimum wage)

Now, since I have been a relatively successful businessman in Estonia and accumulated "wealth, power, and happiness", I will devote part of my society's time, effort, and capital to helping the Peruvian Cause. This effort will include:
1. Sending gifts to Iron-Miners, who barely earn enough money to buy q1 food
2. Donating to local hospital-construction groups
3. Donating a substantial amount of food to lower the costs of local food
4. If all steps above have been completed, and the country is still in shambles, the creation of the Peruvian-Aid Party will be constructed in order to keep track of those who are in need and in order to better regulate the relief-work.

If you are interested in supporting the cause, you can do any of the following:
1. Comment
2. Donate q2 food or higher to either myself of Capital Corporation
3. Donate 0.2 gold to either myself or Capital Corporation
4. Donate gifts to either myself or capital corporation
5. Donate moving tickets to capital corporation.

Where will these resources be going to?

Money will be put towards hospitals
Food and gifts will be given to workers
Moving tickets will be used to:
A. Help poor workers leave the country
B. Help staff members from my society help further aid efforts by relocating.

That concludes my article for today, I look forward to having at least some citizens help out - Don't hesitate to PM me 🙂

(ePeruvian Currency)