Money , oh money

Day 2,031, 08:06 Published in Albania Albania by Rilindasi

EDEN, died, but left behind a fortune, a large number of money(half milion cc)
These were not told where they went, who was, and who still owns them.
There were many words, and many attempts to shift blame from one person to another.
Personally, I was interested in this issue, I do not know why countries do not formally talked, and not demanded the money.
I heard that the money is in the hands of Alpho, one of the former leaders of the Alliance.
I asked him personally, and he admitted that he has money.

Now i make a public call,give those money to the legitimate owners(ex EDEN countries).

I hope that the answer will be positive.


W.A.R :

Mos vdeksha pa t'parë t'bashkume, o Shqipnia ime! Hyjneshë përmbi dhe, perëndi e shpirtit tim.