Money Making Strategies Part 1 (Basic Guide)

Day 679, 23:59 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

I have seen the question posed far too many times.

"How do I make money in this game?!?"

Ive written my response enough times, Its time for a guide so I can pull the old Link/Post combo.

Do keep in mind, Im not amazing at this stuff, I just have a basic idea. There are far better players than myself out there, and better ways of doing things. Needless to say, this will be very basic.

That said, I will appreciate any advice any other players provide for different ways of doing certain methods, or different methods all together.

Note: This will be a long article. Skip ahead to the bolded part that interests you if you dont have the time/inclination to read it all.

After seeing how long it was getting, I have decided that this post will be split up into three parts, with the easier ways to gain wealth discussed in part one, part 2 discussing healthy business habits, and part three discussion monetary market basics

Table of Contents
(In slight order in terms of difficultly/involvement level):

Buying Gold
Inviting Friends
Wage Chasing
Company Starting (Part 2, not yet written)
Money Market (Part 3, Not yet written)

Buying Gold

Admittedly, its not for everyone. And most of the time the people asking this question have already discounted this option, but it merits discussion.

Well, yeah sure it costs a couple bucks, but there is no easier way to get money in game. Spend at most a couple hours at work RL and get a 20gold pack.

Even if you arn't big on the idea, I personally suggest everyone that wants to get into owning a company or playing the money market buy a 20gold pack once, just to get on your feet.

Just like the real world, more often than not you need money to make money.

One rule of thumb though: Only buy gold in 20 gold increments. Its the most cost effective way. Why? Nobody really knows. But thats the system in place, so adapt to it.


Awards are another great way to pick up some spare change, often with very little effort.

Thanks to endy being great and breaking it down in this thread, you can clearly see the benefit of many of these awards.

Notice a couple numbers:
Hard worker award - 0.166 gold/Day Worked (consecutive)
Super Soldier: 0.04 Gold/Day Trained

Round down, just to be nice, and we can see that you get around 0.2 gold per day for simply logging on, working, and training every day...but only if you dont ruin your hard worker streak.

to put that into perspective, .2 gold would currently net you 8USD on the monetary market. Thats in addition to your current wages.

That also doesnt account for the experience points you would be getting by working, training, and fighting all of those days - which also lead to gold bonuses.

So simply said, activity leads to greater wealth!

Check out Endys thread for more details on this front.

Invite Your Friends!

I cannot stress how much of a win-win scenario this is. You get 5 gold for every person you refer to the game that makes it to level

6. At level 6, they get 5 gold and become self sufficient.

The eUS gains another player, who contributes to our economy and fights for our armies.

And if you ever decide to make a business, you have a source of labor waiting to be tapped into.

On top of that, for every 10th person you help to level 6, you get a society builder award, which not only looks cool but nets you another 5 gold.

So yeah, for every 10 friends you bring to eRepublik, you net 55 gold, and your friends have 50. Thats all money in your pocket, and the american economy, making us all a little richer 😃

Do NOT Create Multiple Accounts To Get Referral Bonuses!!!!

You will likely get caught and lose your main account, which would really suck, especially if youd managed to amass a decent amount of gold legitimately.

Chase Wages!

A still mildly easy way to boost your income with little to no cost on your part is to take part in the age old practice of wage chasing.

The concept is quite simple. Gold is king, if you have it you can buy goods in any economy after exchanging it on the MM (money market). Some countries, however, are more "gold-rich" than others, meaning their whole society has more gold floating around, meaning wages (in terms of gold) are higher.

Now, if you were to take your 'high gold' wages, and buy what you normally would in a 'low gold' market, what do you get? A surplus in wages that you would have otherwise never gotten.

For this to be truly effective, you basically have to have an organization, to buy things from different markets and donate them to you. While organizations cost 5 gold, which can seem like a steep startup cost - the benefits they have easily outweigh the cost. This becomes especially true once you own a business.

Im sure there are websites out there that point out where the highest wages are in terms of gold, but I dont have one, so I will just point out what I do know. Economies with High-Iron tend to do remarkably well in terms of gold-wealth, so those are places you should check out. Right now, two of our allies (Spain and Greece) have high iron. Lets look at Spain, and imagine you are a skill 6 raw materials worker.

US Highest wage: 17.02 USD
Spain Highest Wage: 20 ESP
1 USD = 0.025 G
1 ESP = 0.031 G

Your wages in America (in gold) = 17.02 * .025 = 0.4255 Gold per day (before taxes)
Your wages in Spain (in gold) = 20 * .031 = 0.62 Gold Per Day (before taxes)

Now if you really want to get into it, add taxes into the mix. Personally as a patriot, this doesnt really play into my decision, as I often donate money towards government related causes to make up for the loss of tax revenue for the government, but it makes the point clearly, so I will do some quick math.

Wages in America (in gold, post 20% income tax) = .4255 * (1-0.2) = 0.3404 Gold per day (After taxes)
Wages in Spain (in gold, post 5% income tax) = .62 * (1-0.05) = 0.589 Gold per day (After taxes)

In terms of gold, our spanish friend is making .589 gold while youre only making .3404 gold. Thats around 70% more! And it certainly covers the cost of a moving ticket (around .22g at time of writing) fairly quickly.

Note: There are often cases where being abroad has its disadvantages. First of all, you cannot be technically party of an american political party (though im sure most are okay with you being involved on the forums and whatnot). Also, the military may have its own rules for members being abroad.

Also, and this can be important at times, our allies may have access to different battles than we do. For example, many americans, at the time of writing, are in spain or greece wage-chasing. America is trying to kick hungary out of washington/alaska. Hungary has taken care to not open MPPs, meaning all of those Americans abroad cannot help fight against the invading force. Situations like this must be kept in mind when deciding whether or not to live abroad

End of Part 1

Here ends part 1 of my 3 part series on how to make money on eRep. Discussion and input, as always, are appreciated. I know this is not comprehensive, so if you have any suggestions for additions/changes, I will gladly consider them.

Part two will discuss healthy business owning habits, while part 3 will discuss the monetary market basics. Any links to any other guides for either of those two subjects would be appreciated, as well as talking points.

Until next time,

I suggest all players who do not know how to effectively fight and use a hospital check out This guide to hospital use, fighting, and wellness.

It is also imperative that all players read and follow orders as described in the Department of Defense Newspaper as often as possible.