Monetary Market Mayhem Madness

Day 772, 09:12 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

Ok, so this is my third time writing this. I'm not going to lie to you my good-looking, amazing, readers, i'm @?@!@&amp😢#$!)& annoyed right now...hehehe. DIE ADMINS! Just kidding.

Anyways, the monetary market is going crazy. Now, I'm going to try and explain why, and then how you can profit off of this chaos. (Even after all of this dissipates, these techniques should help you).

Monetary Market: The Why?

Although this is just speculation, it would be my guess that the reason the monetary market is going bonkers is because of all of the newly acquired regions and the "adoption" of those people who were living there. This includes the High Iron Region of Kamakata, Indonesia, which is/was most likely the main cause of the destabilization of our financial system. Now, don't panic, the monetary market will balance itself out. Just like our bodies use homeostatis, so does the monetary market. The economy will balance itself out pretty soon, so hurry up after you read this article to capitalize on our eNation's troubles...ehhh. Well, you gotta do what's best for you sometimes 🙂.

**Note: If any of this information is incorrect, or if you have anything to add, please comment in a constructive, peaceful manner telling me. I would love to hear/read your feedback.

Monetary Market: The How?

There are a few methods, proven methods, that can help any eCitizen with profiting off of the monetary market. Here are them in order of what i use the most to what i use the least:

The Double Sell Method

This is the standard method used by the most people (fact provided by my intuition). A profit is made from the difference in the Bid/Ask prices of the exchanges. This means that the profit is made from the split or the deduction made from the two separate prices.

Here is an example to help you out:

The speculator (YOU silly) puts up two offers in the currency market:

1. Selling 1 GOLD for 100 ITL/GOLD
2. Selling 100 ITL for 0.017 GOLD/ITL

When both offers are bought up, you would have ended up with an extra 0.7 GOLD...HOLY MOLEY!!!!

**This is a very risk-free method. At least i think so. This is the method i use the most because it is the easiest to keep track of and you don't Have to, although you should, keep a constant eye on the market for any fluctuating or undercutting prices. This method should be used for anybody that is not a two-clicker but only gets on for a couple hours of a day [the healthy dose...which most of us do not do. I've been on for 8 hours so far...nah just playing 😉].

Double Buy Method

In the Double Buy Method either currency or gold is being sold at less than what it can be purchased at. This is usually used when a nooblet (hehe) accidentally posts an offer by accident for a ridiculous price. (instead of selling, he should have purchased, or sold at a higher price).

**Don't worry guys, it happens to the best of us. I did this twice before. Both times i lost 2g and i must say, i wasn't too pleased when i found out what happened. So do not feel terrible if you make a mistake, just use the other methods to make it back 🙂!!!!**

Here's an example of this metho😛

* Person 1(not you) is selling 100 USD at a rate of 0.02 GOLD/USD

* Person 2 (not you) is selling 1 GOLD at a rate of 40 USD/GOLD

Buying USD from Person 1 gives a rate of 50 USD/GOLD. Because Person 2 is selling at less than that, profit can be made from the difference in the rates by buying GOLD from Person 2 and trading it for USD purchased from Person 1.

The thing about this method is that the undervalued offering can be repeatedly purchased using the proceeds of the purchase until it is gone. This means you can just keep buying up the entire offer for maximum profit. Anyone who has even a little money can take advantage of this.
**This requires some luck**

Buy-Sell Method

This method, combines some of the risk associated with the Double Sell method with the devaluing used in the Double Buy method. It is useful when, in order to profit, the devalued item must be re-sold rather than used in a purchase (straight out of the wiki page- Link not working but here it is:

Here's an example:

* GER (Germany) is selling at a rate of 0.02 GOLD/GER

* Person 1 is selling GER at a rate of 1 FRF (France)/GER

* FRF is selling at a rate of 0.016 GOLD/FRF

In this case FRF is purchased with gold, then used to purchase GER and then resold for a profit. Such offers stem from a change in market conditions while the seller wasn't looking (GER may have been selling at 0.014 or 0.015 GOLD/USD earlier).

**This method should not be used by two-clickers by any means. This is a pretty complicated method and requires a lot of time and concetration on the monetary market. The market fluctuates quickly and an offer may disappear leaving you with a loss instead of a profit. This is not for the casual player**

So that pretty much sums it up. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, anything you want to say, just comment below and i'll try to respond as quickly as i can. Just remember to be polite..please. Also, i would greatly appreciate it if you voted, subbed, comments, or all of the above. Just before you choose to click back to the homepage and didn't vote/subscribe...think of the starving children who won't be fed tonight because of your ignorance..😛.

Also, i am going to be coming out with a lot more articles this week. Some will be funny, some will be serious, some will be sad...ok none will be sad. But just stay tuned because this is going to get WILDDDD!!!

Goodbye and Good Morrow my lovely readers,

Marcus Patterson