
Day 3,160, 19:13 Published in USA USA by Wasp15

I was talking with my wife last night about various things, among which were the frequency of toots that our little girl was making. Unexpectedly, I realized that I also needed to toot. It was too late to stop it. It was loud, but thankfully mostly odorless. As my wife stared at me in a state somewhat resembling shock, I grinned sheepishly and stated "Toots' company."

I work as a receiver at a retail store. A mostly drull and somewhat boring job, but it has its moments. Like listening in to our District Manager interviewing an applicant for Assistant Store Manager, because my Store Manager practically ordered me too. Not getting caught was even more fun than the knowledge that getting a new ASM hired will relieve me of some of my extra duties.

That moment when you realize that you left your sunglasses at work. About a second after the sun blinds you and nearly makes you drive off the road.

Forklift re-certs are coming due next week. I'm just glad I don't have to grade my Store Manager (Even though that's technically my job since we have no ASM right now). I'd fail him just to see what happens if someone fails the re-cert.

As receiver and "unofficial" acting ASM, I'm used to playing second fiddle. It's a rare moment when someone calls and asks for me. I field calls for my Store Manager all the time, which is a story in and of itself.
So, imagine my surprise when the District Manager calls and asks for me. Oh, wait, he only wanted to congratulate me on my baby, and now he wants to speak to my manager. Geez.

We stopped by my wife's grandparents' place after work today. After helping my wife's siblings get some bikes fixed up, I took one for a short ride. It seems I haven't ridden a bike with the old style brakes for too long. After a quick sprint, I settled for a coast, and nearly fell off when the rear tire locked up.