MoInfo: The Sharp Edge of the Blayde, Issue 1

Day 891, 17:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

Today's column is written by Stryke Blayde, 3x congress person for eSA.

let him know if you want to see more...ask questions.

thanks for reading,
Merle Corey,
Minister of Information

Hello eSouth Africa

Lately I've noticed that the general public sometimes doesn't understand much that goes on in Congress. There's always some people that wonder why some things are just sprung on them. A lot of the decisions made are done behind closed doors, and because of such we can't show exactly what we're doing, or what anyone else is doing behind these closed doors, until the decision is put out here on eRepublik. I feel as though this alienates any citizen who wants to get more involved, but can't because they're not Congress/Cabinet/etc.

So, I'm going to start a little experiment here. Starting out, I'll publish this article here, and another article or two every week after, detailing what I'm allowed to detail, and giving the general public answers to any political or economic questions they may have. At first, this sounded to me like a job for the Ministry of Education, but upon further review, I think it allows an up-to-date view of what's going on, who's doing what, and answers some of the things everyone asks everyday.

So please, don't be a stranger. If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to post them in the comments, or to PM me with them even. I'll answer them in the comments, and any that escape from me I'll answer in the next article. At first, it'll probably be just me answering, but if this gets off the ground and is a huge hit, I might even recruit people to help me answer these questions. Who knows?

Some Ideas for future articles include:
Money Transfers
Reformation of the Congressional Reform Bill
Changing Taxes

Now, if anyone has any questions about anything political or economical, now is the time to ask 🙂

-Stryke Blade