MoIA - Oznamy nie len pre poslancov [SK/EN]

Day 1,528, 11:45 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Ministerstvo Vnutra

Vazeni poslanci a drahi obcania,
Dearest representatives, dear citizens,

kongresove volby mame uspesne za sebou a vysledky si mozete pozriet napriklad tu. Zial, aj napriek oficialnej staznosti od prezidenta Neruxa admini nemaju zaujem opravit si bug, vdaka ktoremu mame len 36 poslancov. Plato opat dokazuje ako uzasne je tato hra prepracovana a aj napriek tomu, ze sme mali presne 40 kandidatov a pri sucasnom pocte regionov sme mali mat presne 40 poslaneckych kresiel, sudruhovia niekde spravili chybu.
Po uzavierke kandidatok sme ockavali, ze prejdu vsetci zo 40tich kandidatov, preto sme ani nepublikovali predvolebnu previerku kandidatov - nakolko nebolo z coho vyberat. Plato nam ukazal, ze pravidla neplatia, takze napokon volby mali zmysel.

Poslancom by som rad zablahozelal k zvoleniu do funkcie. Verim, ze budete nalezite naplnat svoj mandat a sluzit federacii. Aby nedochadzalo k nedorozumeniam, precitajte si prosim nasledujuce riadky nakolko obsahuju strucne informacie urcene prave vam. Niektore body sa nezmenili, ine su aktualizovane, takze citajte pozorne!

I would like to congratulate our congressmen on election to the office. I believe you will duly fulfill your mandate and serve the federation. To avoid misunderstandings, please read following lines because they contain information valid for you. Sorry for this lousy translation and typos. Some points have been changed so please read carefully!


Nakolko sa nam skupinove spravy pre kongres osvedcili, vytvorime ich aj na tento mesiac. Ak este nemate vo friendoch viceministra Artusa3, prosim pridajte si ho! Spravy sluzia jednak poslancom ako aj klucovym clenom vlady na rychlu a prehladnu komunikaciu pri podavani zakonov a hlasovaniach - vzdy si skontrolujte prosim postu predtym ako zahlasujete!
Dalej by som poprosil poslacov, ktori maju skype, aby poslali svoje nicky priamo mne spravou, mame chatroom urceny prave pre poslancov, treba vyuzit 🙂

I would like to ask congressmen to accept friendship requests from the viceminister Artus3. It is necessary in order to create mass messages which will allow fast and efficient communication within congress and also with the government. Please read them before you cast your votes! Furthermore if you have a skype account, please be so kind and send your nick to Arcade - there is a chatroom especially for our congressmen.

Navrhy zakonov
Law proposals

Spravny postup navrhu zakona zahrna v prvom rade verejnu diskusiu o zakone (napriklad v clanku), nasledne podanie zakona a uvedenie discussion area odkazujuce na verejnu diskusiu v clanku. Zakony, ktore neboli vopred prediskutovane by ste mali automaticky odhlasovat ako NIE. Kazdopadne pred hlasovanim pockajte, zvazte pre a proti a nebojte sa opytat ak si nie ste isti ako hlasovat. Snazte sa obmedzit for the lulz navrhy. A sledujte svoju postu, ci v skupinovych spravach nie su vysvetlenia a instrukcie!!!

The correct way how to propose new laws includes public discussion in the first place (preferably via news article), followed by the law proposal itself which should include link to the discussion area in the article. Proposals which haven't been discussed should be voted as NO. Anyway take your time before you hit the yes or no, consider both options and don't be afraid to ask if you are not sure how to vote. Try to restrict for the lulz proposals to the minimum. Also always check your congress mass messages for information and instructions!!!

Citizenship passes

V tomto bode doslo k uprave, stale vas ziadame o spolupracu pri udelovani obcianok. Pravdepodobne vas budu oslovovat ziadatelia prostrednictvom sprav (a budu ponukat aj uplatky) - prosim, odkazte ich na tento oficialny imigracny protokol, ktory musi kazdy ziadatel vyplnit - - obsahuje aj vysvetlenie, navod a formular. Dalej to uz prebera MoIA 😉
Prosim neudelujte obcianky svojvolne - vzdy len so suhlasom vlady, konkretne Ministerstva vnutra. Obcianku udelte az vas k tomu vyzveme, udelovanie na vlastnu past je povazovane za korupcne a protistatne konanie!

There have been some improvements to the immigration process so please pay attention to this. You will be probably asked by immigrants to approve their requests, they will also try to bribe you - don't worry and feel free to forward them this link - . They can find there immigration protocol as well as explanation and how-to with form which they have to fill up. Afterwards MoIA takes it over 🙂
Please do not approve requests on your own - always do so only with a permission from the government, specially from the Ministry of Interior Affairs. You should accept citizenship request only once you will be told to so, doing it on your own is considered to be treasonable and corrupt!


Asi viete, ze nasi poslanci maju vo zvyku odovzdat goldy, ktore dostali za zvolenie do kongresu do Narodnej Banky Slovenska. Poslanci maju sluzit obcanom a krajine, nie len profitovat na svojom mandate. Po dohode s ministrom financii vas prosime o odovzdanie 4g v prospech statu - presne instrukcie dostanete v priebehu najblizsich dni.

As you probably know, there is a custom of donating congress medal gold to our national bank - Narodna Banka Slovenska. Representatives should serve citizens and country, not just profit on their mandate. Each gold helps our federation and therefore ministry of finance is kindly asking you to donate 4g to the county - detailed instructions will be provided soon.

Dalsie citanie
Further reading

Odporucame precitat si podrobne clanky s navodom ako byt dobrym poslancom - su urcene predovsetkym novym clenom kongresu avsak precitat by si ich mal kazdy -

We recommend that you read articles with a full manual how to be a good representative - they are useful for new congressmen yet everyone should read them -

Dakujeme za pochopenie a zelame vela uspechov v kongrese!
Thanks for your understanding and we wish you good luck in congress!

Za ministerstvo vnutra

AG, Artus3