MoIA - Immigration Policy (January)

Day 1,509, 12:20 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Ministerstvo Vnutra

Dear visitors!

Would you like to buy cheap land and companies? Would you like to join our political scene? Are you interested in publishing articles or joining one of our military units ? Are you honest and do you come with only the best intentions? Very well then, this article tells you how to become a citizen of CzechoSlovakia!

First of all, our immigration department is subsidiary of Ministry of Interior Affairs - MoIA. Although you might think that you need approval from congress, they will not give you the citizenship unless they are told to do so by our immigration officers. CzechoSlovakia has strict immigration policies and our representatives are obeying them - bribing doesn't work so don't even try (it leads to denial of your request and blacklisting). We have learnt that we must be cautious and choose the new friends wisely.

Your first step should be the application - requesting your citizenship in game. Try to explain why you want a citizenship and what are your future plans. We are checking requests on a daily basis and we will contact you in order to get more information if necessary! You may also send us a message 🙂

Samozrejme ak rozumiete tejto vete a ste Cech ci Slovak, rovno to tam napiste a dostanete prednostne obcianku bez vybavovaciek. Mozno si vas preverime, ci nie je vasa ziadost len odkopirovana, alebo prelozena cez prekladac, no doleuvedeny postup sa vas tykat nebude, mate prednost 😉

In the next step we will check your background - generally we do not like suspects or convicts (PTOers, pirates, multies, multi operators, communists, thieves and similar individuals), so if you are such as badass, don't bother.

If your request gets this far, you will be asked to exchange your gold for SKK - our currency on the monetary market using offer from Narodna Banka Slovenska - our national bank. You will pay nothing, just exchange your gold for currency. You get currency, our bank vault gets gold - fair trade. Anyway, specific details will be given to you in time, so please save your gold for now and exchange it only once told to do so!

You need our currency and our country needs gold. Without gold our country would struggle yet we do not ask you to pay for your citizenship - we just kindly ask you for your cooperation. This also helps us to better determine your true intentions and shows us your commitment to Czechoslovakia.

Once our ministry of finance identifies your specific exchange (sum is always specific and individually set) we will be informed and accept your request. After that it is just a matter of minutes since we have list of people who are currently online and can grant your request immediately!

At the end you will become a proud citizen of CzechoSlovakia. Welcome and have fun!

CzechoSlovak Ministry of Interior Affairs

Immigration officers - Arcade Gannon, Artus3