MoIA: A Low Level Guide For New Players

Day 1,203, 22:03 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Your first few days in eRepublik can be harrowing days. A lot of citizens find themselves trapped with no money and no health from fighting. It's easy to screw yourself right off the bat in this game, there's no sign telling you "don't fight unless you can afford the food to heal back to 90+ health", even though there should be.

Here is a short, basic walk-through of how to have a comfortable early life in eRepublik.

First Levels

The first thing you should do is get a job. You can find one in the job market under skill level 1 (or Apprentice). After you get a job, you can work for the salary you just gained. Simply click the lowest booster - which is a 10% increase for free - then press the big blue Work button. You shouldn't buy any gold boosters while you're new, you want to conserve your gold. After you do that, you'll automatically earn your salary (minus taxes).

The next step is to go train at the training grounds. Take the same steps you did for working, no gold boosters and click the big Train button. You'll automatically gain some military skill in the unit type you chose. If you have over 3 gold available, you can level up faster in the military skill by picking the .19 gold booster, at the cost of some of your Treasure Map money (explained below) from the Super Soldier medal you get. From that results screen (or the home page), you can gain 10 skill in both and another experience point by clicking "Get reward". You can do these 3 steps everyday.

After that, use the marketplace and upload an avatar on your profile page. The first time you do all of these steps, you should be gaining an experience level. You can also do missions at your own pace (don't break your bank or your health trying to finish them all) to get more XP.

You can and should work and train everyday: working everyday rewards the Hard Worker medal and your daily wage, and training makes your life worth living by building up your ability to mow down countless PHX fools.


Health is a number on your left sidebar, under your name and avatar. Working consumes one to five health and training consumes one health. You can gain health by eating food (or at day change from a house, when you can afford one). Your health directly affects your productivity in daily activities: the lower your health goes, the worse you do in working and training. Working with low health will earn you the ire of your employers, and could result in wage decrease or firing. Going under 20 health will disallow you from doing any activity other than eating food.

This is what happens if you let your health drop too low.

Once you're level 6, you're of age to fight in almost mortal combat. Fighting is how we as a country gain new territories, defend our own, and help our allies in their campaigns. Citizens follow the Minister of Defense's orders for what battles to fight in. Everytime you press the fight button on a battle screen, you will deal damage and lose 10 health. You should never fight if you cannot afford the food you will need to heal the damage from it. Plan ahead by looking at food prices at the market.

Fighting gives you experience and rank points whenever you bring an opponents health to 0. Do not fight if you know you will not be able to collect the experience and deal the damage.

Location, Location, Location

If you look on your own profile, you'll see you get two locations put on the side of your profile: your current location, and your citizenship. You can change your location by clicking that change link next to it, and using a moving ticket. Once you're level 7, you can use said moving tickets.

What your location allows you to do:
- Fight for the location country and her allies in a normal battle
- Fight for the location country only in a resistance battle
- Work at a company in the location country
- Your presence in a region increases the price to attack it

Unlike your location, citizenship is free to change - but it requires a country's congress to approve your request. Citizenship allows you to participate in a country's political process, including voting and running for office. Citizenship should not be changed without good reason. In Japan, immigration is strict about who is approved for citizen ship. Applying for citizenship at the forums is required.

Currencies + Treasure Maps

When you reach your 5th and 10th level, you'll notice you earn something called a "treasure map". Go to your treasure map page which is hidden away in Gold & Extras. If you have a treasure map in your little wooden box, you can select to use it. You pick an X to dig, and you will be given a random sum of 4-6 gold. Gold is a universal currency that can be used for boosting in your daily activities (should not be done while you're new!), buying organizations, companies, or newspapers; or you can redeem them for local currency on the monetary market.


If you are in need of welfare because you cannot sustain high enough health, get in contact with this org to receive 10 health. This is limited to one time per person per day.

Content mostly from the eUS department of education
Edited to suit the eJapanese people


In-browser IRC client (join us on the Rizon server, channel #eNippon).

National Forums.

Sempai Kouhai Program (a support org for newbies).

Japanese Imperial Army.

JIA’s daily orders.

Japanese Election Commission.

Japanese Holiday Association.

National Bank of Japan.

-Ecka Stealer of Cows
Minster of Internal Affairs