MoE: Q2 Houses?

Day 3,919, 07:41 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

Ministry of Education - Pirates Broadcast

This isn't meant to be a guide to the use of houses, it focuses on the benefit of Q1 and looks to the potential of Q2. It doesn't cover other tactics, such as running houses intermittently when leveling-up, residency, etc. Also it might raise the question 'Am I working for the right employer?'

Working with a salary per work click of 800cc
In actual salary terms (common parlance) = 800 * 365
Salary = 292,000cc or 650 gold (based on 450cc/gold)
As you typically get paid monthly on salary, this is most closely equivalent to buying 38 and 17 gold pack per month which currently cost 9.9 euro and 4.9 euro respectively, so ~ £13 per month or £156 yearly, just for working without houses.

The way I look at it, although I can't convert the game credits/gold into real wads'o cash, if I'm spending consistently at a given rate, I'd otherwise have to deposit real cash to cover that, hence it's an effective real salary.

As a crazy aside, allowing 10 seconds to do the 'work' every day.
35hr week -> 1,820 rl yearly work hours or 655k eRep works per year to be equivalent. So
655,000 / 1,820 = 360 times less work, as this is close to a year we can say you work for 1 day in eRep to 1 year in rl.
£156 * 360 = £56k

House purchase costs (mv as of availability right now)
N.B. If unsure of the current m.v. a solid stick in the mud, is the not stick-in-the-mud Huey George, who seems to perpetually maintain listings that others base their sales on.

Q1 3,000 -> 7 extra works = 5,600 or 2,600 profit / week -> 135,200 or 300 gold per year.
Q2 5,600 -> = cut even, boost the economy, watch those numbers closely!
Q3 12,750 -> not worth calculating for this line of reasoning
Q4 24,000 -> still reading?
Q5 30,750 -> really???

Each house lasts for 168 hours or 1 full week. Any house quality active for a full hour gives 1 work token, as a days worth are required for an extra work click the return is decreasing with each house quality level.

If I operate a Q1 for every day of the year, it's costing me 156k or 347 gold. However the salary has doubled to 584k or 1,300 gold. Effective salary is therefore 428k or 950 gold.

With the above scenario, also running a Q2 house, the cost is 447k or 993 gold. However the salary is now 876k or 1,947 gold. Effective salary is therefore 429k or 953 gold.

This shows that you should seriously consider running a Q2 house alongside the common advice of a Q1 house. You may get slightly more and you'll be boosting the economy massively. This means more money for government without over-taxation and leads to lower prices for said houses, bringing more people at lower pay rates into the bracket of profit with a Q2, rinse & repeat.

You need to run these numbers for yourself, as I've approximated them for me. As a Pirate I currently earn 812 per work click (UKsFinest: 700 base + 112 modifier) and with Pirates keeping more tax money in your pocket the values are better than my rounding down shows.
