Modern Revolution

Day 1,606, 09:41 Published in Finland Finland by Kansallisteatteri

” 1 of July 1789, a women 20 years old, cooked in his husbands kitchen. She overheard the talk of his husband and his drinking buddie. - THIS COUNTRY NEEDS SOME PROGRESS, husband drunkenly shouted.You're right, someone needs to put end to this pastrie goverment, the second man answered. Husbands wife had heard the conversation, and she interfered in the discussion: I have heard that people are starting to reunite, into a peoples frontier. Husband and his friend were suprised, because usually women do not intervene in the discussion. For the first time in our marriage I think you're right, her husband said. He threw his beer bottle to the ground, and shoute😛

This story about the Great French Revolution might have been fiction, but it gives you an idea, what the revolution may have been. But I'am not here to teach you about French Revolution, I only told you this story because it gives you an aspect of the subject of this article.

In 1789 the revolution started because people had started to civilize; they knew how to read, think and most importantly write. They wouldn't have been a French revolution if the people of France had no skill of writing. They used banderols, posterts and etc to bring the peoples nationalism into the publics knowledge.

After this brief context, we can truly dive into the subject of this article: modern revolution.
300 years ago the main tool of revolution was text, nowadays everything has changed, and the main tool has changed from text to internet and social media. The importance of social media: like Face-book and Twitter; have shown their importance in modern revolution. No more does people have to go to the streets, and that way collect a croud of supporters around them. Nowadays people start a group in Facebook. No more mayhem, because people can update Facebook or Twitter and people can read their tweets at the same time. In 1789 Louis XVI, just sent his army to rip down the posters and banderols, but nowadays it's easier just a click of a button is needed.
As the people get dependant on the real time info, that is coming through social media, this almost always causes large amounts of confusion and chaos.

So if we make a final statement based on this information, mine would be like this:
a revolution is much easier to execute than it was back in 1789, but that doesn't mean that it should actualize with any inferior grounds than before. People need to also remember, than getting dependant of social media in these kind of situation is always a bad choice, because anyone including the goverment, revolutionist or an average joe can give you information that he wants and may have alterior motives that you were not aware of.

Thanks for reading this article, and I sure hoped you enjoyed reading this as much I enjoyed writing it.