Mistakes, Selling Out and U-turns

Day 1,657, 09:52 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
Leaving Eden

A. Basics: Seriously eCanada, having been saved twice by Eden, and granted eUSA as well, should NEED no lecturing on this. Just as a matter of gratitude we owe it eCroatia, eRomania etc to stand by them, afterall who knows when we may need them again? By leaving any alliance we isolate ourselves MORE and are therefore in a worse position if we are invaded.

The core members of EDEN that keep fighting on day in and day out in the Balkans and Europe are the only reason we do not have eSerbia and ePoland in North America everyday. It is no coincidence that the last time ePoland and eSerbia invaded eUSA eCroatia was in eMexico.

Not only that but by 'walking away' you create suspicion... Nobody has explained WHY we left Eden... Do we suddenly disagree? Friends are hard to come by, particularly ones who stood by us for so long. Why have we suddenly fallen out so badly that we have to in effect tell them to 'do one'? Is this wise? What was the arguement that was that serious for us isolate ourselves and become easier to defeat? No explanation has been offered and until one is given I call this a major mistake.

B. Theories and Consequences: So MAYBE we left Eden over the eBulgaria/eTurkey issue? Bit late no? But is proposed that we join the eBulgarian alliance? No... Ok presumably not this issue then. Maybe we just don't like the Eden Command? Is that a reason to jeapordise eCanadas defencive alliances? It costs too much on MPPs? Suppose we are invaded... might want the MPPs then huh? Or are only 'fair weather friends'?

I suspect the real reason is because some of those standing for President and VP (Rylde and Rolo) wish to attack eIreland, blaming them for 'selling out' to eUK in Acacia's term. Certainly what the eIrish did was underhanded but the ONLY beneficiaries of such a war would be those ecountries who wish to invade eCanada - which eIreland, when we members of Eden, could not do. Do you suppose eUSA would support us? I listened to their Presidential Debate (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr/2012/06/02/enpr-june-presidential-debate) and 2 out of 3 of their candidates said they would actively support eIreland. It's quite possible that any attack on eIreland would result in being kicked out of Terra as well as eUSA may well side with eIreland. But again and again the more we strive over petty feuds the only winners are One.

Leaving Eden leaves us less defencible: MISTAKE. Any planned assault on a Terra or Eden country is treasonous to BOTH alliances.

The Rylde Sell Out

Remember not so long ago Rylde was fighting with EPC, living in eSweden (strange huh?), and telling us that we had DO something about the thief and serial Party PTOer among us? Well I and and many others agreed with him then although I couldn't see why he was in a One ecountry and not in an allied enation. So suddenly instead of harming eCanada and lecturing us do things he couldn't he returns and proposes to do what? Have the thief as VP!!!! So... let me get this clear: It's ok to go stay in a One country and fight against eCanada because you want us to deal with the thief but then ok for you come back and endorse him? The "Rylde backflip" doesn't wash with moi! There are backflips and then there's hypocracy. This falls under the latter category.

Selling out for political opportunism just makes me wonder how 'real' everything else this 'fly by night opportunist' has said was. Should ePoland invade eUSA Rylde and Rolo would probably have us join One... which again makes me suspicious of the circumstances. Now I know this is conjecture but look at the 'circumstantial evidence':

A. Rylde moves to a One country to fight for EPC (all the others move to eUSA or eIreland).
B. eIreland 'sell out' in the eUK war: Rolo calls for us to invade eIreland.
C. Rylde comes home and we leave Eden.
D. Rylde and Rolo are suddenly pals and on the same 'ticket'.
E. ePoland and eUSA fighting in eFrance...

Now this may be entirely wrong and all just 'conspiracy theory' I don't know. For me the hypocritical 'backflip' is sufficient for me do a u turn. I cannot vote for a hypocrital political opportunist and that is what Rylde has proved himself to be. By siding with Rolo he is effectively saying to eCanada "Do as I say is your rules. My rules do not apply to me!". Get lost!!! I am SaraDroz and I call hypocracy when I see it. Takes a far more cunning fox than you to fool me. What was the one Bush got wrong? "fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me". Don't let him fool once.

U-turn and Conclusion

It's not often that do u-turns but Ryldes opportunistic hypocracy is an about face à l'outrance. I was evidently misled and it worries me as to his other motives. I shall NOT be voting for Rylde and though I have little idea what Noyst plans that most likely voting ~hyuu~. It's a great shame that the one Party that does NOT bend but remains true through thick and thin and stands by it's principles no matter, the CPF did not forward a candidate. MDP members when they understand this hypocracy should perhaps consider where they stand. Connor didn't do a deal and sell out and I voted for him against Sperry.

In epolitics and in real life politics there are generaly three types of people: Those who 'sail with the wind'; they will shift their course depending on the public mood and if possible try to get the 'weather forcast' to position themselves 'ahead of the wind'; these make up around 80% of 'politicians'. Acacia was good at this and a good 'communicator' to boot. Then there's people who like to think they are clever; these are the types who think they can buy, blackmail, use the press, do backroom deals etc to get into power. This lot make up about 15% and their representative in eCanada is Rolo, in real life a certain Republican in the US is not far off buying his way into a job. Then there are the other 5% most of which are loonie Commies and fascists etc but a very few of which believe something and will stand by it through thick or thin, not because it's popular or makes them and their backers rich, but because it's best for the ecountry or rl country.

Well alot of rl packing to do this week... Vote wisely.