Mississppi Voting Record (3/9)

Day 475, 16:54 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Hello citizens of Mississippi! I’m sorry for the delay, I meant to write this Sunday, but was recovering from a busy, busy weekend. First and foremost here are my votes from my last update and my justifications. From there I’ll give my musings on current happenings.

Donate GRD to Fort Knox: Yes. It gives us gold from our GRD. There are series of these proposals, I voted yes on all of them. A no brainer-really.

Tax Change House: No. It raises income taxes, and I’ve always been against that. We can give more money to the players by keeping income taxes low, unfortunately most of Congress doesn’t agree with that.

Tax Change Woo😛 Yes. It didn’t raise income taxes so it keeps money in your hands.

Donate CHF to Fort Knox: Yes. See my Donate GRD vote.

Peace with Portugal: No. This was a test proposal by Uncle Sam, and all Congress members were instructed to vote no.

Tax Change Hospital: No. It raised income taxes, which as always, I’m against.

Donate IEP to Fort Knox: Yes. See my Donate GRD vote.

Tax Change Defense System: No. Raises income taxes.

Donate HRK to Fort Knox: Yes. See my Donate GRD vote.

Donate $80,000 to Fort Knox: Yes. Gives the eUSA cash on hand, and allows us to keep making money on the Money Market.

Peace with Portugal: No. I see why people voted yes on this, to nullify the MPP’s PEACE nations had with Portugal, however I voted no because of the cost of reopening the war. It should be noted that Portugal rejected the peace proposal anyway.

Buy Constructions: Yes. A great price for a Q4 DS to put in Massachusetts.

Donate RUB to Fort Knox: Yes. See my Donate GRD vote.

That’s my voting record for the past week or so. Now let’s shift our focus to a few current happenings in eRepublik. First, congratulations to Uncle Sam for a second term as President of the eUSA. It looked like a very clean race, and all credit goes to the other candidates, Scrabman, Desertfalcon, Jewitt, and Don Keedick.

As for the current wars, I have mixed opinions. As for Operation Taco Bell (I suppose that’s what we’re all calling the USA-Mexico War), I’m incredibly torn. I hate that we are being so imperialist, and that we are just taking peoples countries from them. What really bothers me is that we started this war under the assumption that we would be freeing Mexico from the Polish election rigging, and giving it back. Read Uncle Sam’s justification here:


His stance on war is not something I agree with. Because affiliated nations are viewed as imperialistic we should be as well? That “follow the leader” mentality can only lead to trouble. The eUSA should be leading the way, not the other way around. If we think that invading sovereign nations will have no repercussions we have another thing coming. I said I was torn though, and I am. Now that we are midway through Mexico, they have signed alliances with 6 countries, 5 of which are in PEACE (the odd man out being the Swiss). We almost have to take all of Mexico in order to nullify this PEACE foothold. If we think Mexico is going to join ATLANTIS after being invaded by the eUSA we are only fooling ourselves. So there is the problem: keep being imperialistic or take away a potential PEACE route into America? I haven’t quite made up my mind on the issue; feel free to message me if you think you can sway my opinion.

Finally, if you are veteran player who wants to help new eUSA citizens, sign up to be mentor in the eUSA Citizen Mentorship Program here:


On the flip side, if you are new eUSA citizen that would like someone to teach you the ropes and answer any question you may have, message me Bill Brasky or Gobucks to have a mentor assigned to you!

That’s all for now. As always Mississippians, send me a PM if you have a question about my views, how I voted, or just want to say hi.

Bill Brasky
Sen. Mississippi
National Guard 1st Division Squad 3
Federalist Party